Erasmusu Staff
Written 13 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Valencia 2012 / 2013!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Valencia in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Valencia, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Valencia
- The accommodation in Valencia
- The blog Erasmus Valencia
- What to see in Valencia, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Valencia
- People who have been, are and will be in Valencia
- A photo gallery of Valencia
- The map and weather in Valencia
- The universities in Valencia
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Valencia or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Valencia.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Seth Fisher
Written 13 years ago
I'm an American undergraduate student currently studying in France through ISEP. I have created a wiki to allow students who have already studied through an ISEP program or who are currently studying in an ISEP program to share information they have gathered during their experiences. Students often find themselves lost or anxious for information about their programs a few months before departure as well as the first few weeks in their host country. The information on the wiki could help students who are currently participating in ISEP programs or who are going to depart for a program in the coming months. This wiki is not affiliated with ISEP Central.
You can add information to the page created for the countries where you have studied. The universities pages are also good places to share information specific to the city where you studied. I have created pages for all participating ISEP universities in the United States and abroad, including your university's program. Each page has suggested headings and topics, but you may share whatever information you feel will be helpful to current and future students participating in ISEP programs. Thank you for your help!
Alba vlcpt
Written 12 years ago
Good evening!! If someone is going to study in Valencia and need some help, just send me an email with all your doubts to [email protected], I am studying in Valencia also and I know all the problems you can find (from finding accommodation, speaking with your teachers or helping you with the student contract...) and we can give you the solution needed!! =)
Csilla Forró
Written 12 years ago
Hey! I'm a medicine student going to Valencia for a semester (starting from september 2012) does anyone know somebody who has been there studying medicine?? I haven't found anyone...:D
Amy Toy
Written 12 years ago
Hi, I'm an english student coming over to Valencia for a semester in September. The accomodation page is confusing me on here. To reply to people advertising accomodation, do you have to pay?
Dan Sedgwick
Written 12 years ago
Hey! I'm going over to spend the year in the University of Valencia this September to study Chemistry.. Amy I dunno about accomodation really, think I'm just gonna find a flat online and go for it haha :)
Guillermo Zafra
Written 12 years ago
Hi Dan! I had the experience of looking for flats here in Spain (Granada) and my advice is not to go into a flat before you have seen it live... because sometimes you find some things that you didn't expect to find... if you can't go to Valencia before september, the best option may be look for a hostel or a student's residence for the first days and look for a flat when you are already there.
Greg Fragnowski
Written 12 years ago
I'm looking for students of journalism or audiovisual communication :) I begin the third year in september :)
Onetoone Valencia
Written 12 years ago
Are you going on Placement or Exchange in Valencia or Gandia?
Do you still need a room? Send us your requirements to one2one.vlc
We are pleasure to be helpful!
To find out more: facebook One2One
One2one team.
Daniel Fowler
Written 12 years ago
Hello I'm Daniel from LJMU. Going to study in Valencia for 1 year starting this September. It'd be nice to get to know some people before I arrive. To discuss things etc! Really quite excited. Hope to meet people from all over the world too.
Christina Seretaki
Written 12 years ago
Hi Greg!! I will come in Valencia in January for a semester to study Journalism in CEU!!
Greg Fragnowski
Written 12 years ago
Hola Christina! :) I will be in UV, no in CEU :) But we can stay in touch :D
Daniel - which faculty?
Laura Wambach
Written 12 years ago
Hi my name is Laura, I’m currently studying at the ULB in Brussels. Next year I’ll be studying lenguas modernas y sus literaturas at the University of Valencia during the first semester (September 2012 >January 2013). I can’t wait to get there. I'm looking to meet new people through this forum before I'm actually IN Valencia. Also, I'd love to share accomodation with erasmus students while I'm there. If anyone is looking for a flatmate ;)
Daniel Fowler
Written 12 years ago
Hi Greg, I will be in 'Facultat de Filologia'. Although my university has said that the courses I can take there are quite flexible. In particular I want to take Spanish & German classes. I have not studied German in some years but I love it. It is nice to see already that we have a few different nationalities here. What about you Greg?
Desiré Jaskółka
Written 12 years ago
Hi Daniel,
I study Filología Hispánica in Facultad de Filología, and if you really want to learn spanish I recommend you the couses "Norma y uso correcto del español" with Professor Adela García (or in "valencianish" Norma i ús correcte de l'espanyol), "Morfología española" (very usefull, but a little complicated), Sintaxis española (but the group with Professor Javier Satorre), and even Lexicografía española (this one is really boring and for me is more a trouble than a pleasure, but maybe for erasmus students... it's up to you). But whatever you do, don't take Semántica or Pragmática española! They are by far the most complicated courses you can take and nobody pass them. Linguistics may be interesting and easy to pass with Professor Ricard Morant, but more complicated with others. At last, if you are interested in literature, there's a veary interesting course called "Guía de lectura del texto literario" with Professor Jaume Peris. You have to read in spanish, but the Professor is very very involved with the students, and very attentive with erasmus students and also one of the best teachers ever!
And with german don't worry, you can choose 4 different levels from beginner to B2, I think.
I hope this information is usefull for you!
And sorry about my english!
Daniel Fowler
Written 12 years ago
Thank you Desiré Jaskółka! This is about the most useful information I have had. I am really grateful for the information, perfect! I hope that you will be at the university this September too so that I can meet you. Your English is great, it is obvious that you study in the Facultad de Filología. Professor Jaume Peris sounds like a good teacher. Ah...I'm even more excited now!. Desiré will you go abroad on Erasmus?
Greg Fragnowski
Written 12 years ago
Daniel - in Poland I'm studying "digital media and electronic communication" at faculty of journalism. In Valencia it will be journalism or audiovisual communication :) I begin the third year in september :)
Greg Fragnowski
Written 12 years ago
and we will be on the same faculty :) "Filología, Traducción y Comunicación" :)
Daniel Fowler
Written 12 years ago
Greg- It will be my 3rd year in Valenica too. I haven't met someone from Poland before so if we meet it will be interesting to learn more about your culture. You already speak English! many young Europeans can speak 2 languages. I was thinking of making a Facebook group but perhaps it is better for us all just to talk here?
Greg Fragnowski
Written 12 years ago
Daniel - so you will help me with my pronunciation :D and actually my spanish is poor... :P
Already exist few groups on Facebook but i haven't seen any conversations :)