Desiré Jaskółka
Written 12 years ago
I'm very glad to help you, Daniel. I will be in Valencia the hole year so maybe we can make some tandems (have you heard about them?) and improve your spanish and my english. My erasmus will be not this year but by september 2013, but I'll go to Wroclaw to learn polish and also a little bit of english!
If you need any help just send me a message, Daniel :)
Guillermo Zafra
Written 12 years ago
Daniel, I think it could be a great idea. I'm Spanish so I won't have difficulties with the language but next year I'm moving there and I don't know people to share a flat and have some information about the uni.
Jowita Łukaczyńska
Written 12 years ago
If anyone is studying economics / or was studying on Facultat de Economia, UV ? :)
I'm wondering what subjects should I choose to have quite easy erasmus time :D
Daniel Fowler
Written 12 years ago
Greg- Haha if you trust my English accent then sure. Although from your written skills I think your English must already be good.
Guillermo- Hey man, so what university are you going to? I have some friends from Granada it was the second place that I considered going to in Spain. If you require information about Liverpool or the UK I'll help.
Greg Fragnowski
Written 12 years ago
Desiré I'm from Wroclaw! :)
Daniel - it might be better, I have to improve my skills :)
Daniel Fowler
Written 12 years ago
Sure thing! I wonder if we will see any people from Hungary. That would be cool
Adrian Mieloch
Written 12 years ago
someone going to study Business Management and Administration? (Licenciado en Administración y Direccion de Empresas)
Miguel Ramirez
Written 12 years ago
This is the official group for all the students who will be on Erasmus in the Universitat de València in 2012/2013.
We are ESN en UV, the local section of ERASMUS STUDENT NETWORK in UV, Valencia.
ESN en UV is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.
We hope to meet you very soon in Valencia :)
ESN en UV team
Miguel Ramirez - ESN en UV treasurer and active member
Flat Valencia
Written 12 years ago
Rent a flat well positioned relative to the university for only 450 euro/month
Three-room apartment (T3) up to3 students: one double bed in spacious two bedroom, one sofa bed in living room
Stay: office space, dining table
Bathroom: bath, basin, WC
Kitchenette equipped with fridge, microwave, hob, extractor fan, coffee maker or kettle, crockery, cooking utensils
For reservation and information:
Raquel Rodríguez
Written 12 years ago
Hi all, im spanish (from Canary islands) and i'm going to study in Valencia next year thx to a scholarship. I'm looking for a flat (have alredy found some offers) and of course flatmates! I really like living with foreigners in order to practice my english and speack spanish as well (do tandem) so, if u are interested just write me a PM. Im responsible and clean but i like partying for sure ;)
Flat Valencia
Written 12 years ago
Rent a flat in Valencia details:
roberta esposito
Written 12 years ago
Hola Desirè! acabo de leer tu mensaje y estoy un poquito asustada jajaja en septiembre estudiarè en la UV como erasmus en la facultad de traduccion y mediaccion interlinguistica, pero tambien tengo que hacer examenes de la facultad de filologia hispanica. Mi profesor me habian dicho de hacer Pragmatica o semantica...pero por lo q tu escribes es un examen muy dificil!!! Que tal estas sintaxis??
Gregory Vanderstraeten
Written 12 years ago
Hello I'm Gregory from Belgium. In september I start for my last year in geography/landsurveyor in UPV.
Before I do an intensive spanish course in Gandia. Other guys/girls I can already meet before the trip to Gandia?
Antonio Pedro
Written 12 years ago
Hi , im antonio pedro maia add me on facebook , im studying sports , and im going to universid catolica de valencia ,, anyone here that could talk with me about their expectations , etc ... , thanks ;)
Sofia Primeira
Written 12 years ago
The second semester of the next year. I will be doing subjects from all grades I guess, I haven’t thought a lot about that yet.
Marco Santha
Written 12 years ago
Hi Guys! Anyone know a better way to find flats in Valencia? It seems that on this site you have to pay...
Btw, I'd be happy to share flats with any of you, if you're already looking for a flatmate :)
I study psychology, I speak spanish and I'm 19. Hungarian
Hector Infante
Written 12 years ago
Hey Marco! I am also looking for a flat, I will be studying Administracion de Empresas this coming year. If you or anyone has any offers, let me know