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Erasmus Valencia 2012 / 2013 (English)

Showing 41-60 of 100 entries

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Hola, i have 2 rooms available in valencia close to the university.

Call me

Wendy  sesentayseis dos uno siete cero cero dos tres

Dear Erasmus Student,

ESN Valencia UPV is the only official association for Erasmus students in Universitat Politècnica de València. The association belongs to a network present in more than 400 universities from all over Europe and depends of the universities and formal authorities such as the European Commission.

In UPV, you will be able to find them in the ground floor of Casa de l'Alumne everyday from 11.30 until 15.00 and every Wednesday and Friday also from 16.00 until 18.30. They organize different groups of activities:

  • Cultural Activitites: enjoy special prices to go to Oceanogràfic, Bioparc, Museu Faller...
  • Sports Activitites: biking to Albufera, volleyball, football,, paintball...
  • One-Day-Trips: getting to know other towns and citites in Valencia area like Requena, Gandia, Xàtiva, Castelló, Cullera, Alcoi, etc...
  • Long Trips: Madrid, Oviedo, Barcelona, Andalucía, Ibiza...
  • Oher activities: cineforum, tandem program, bailes latinos, etc...

With the ESN Card, you will turn into a member with full right to enjoy all these activities and many other discounts and offers in all Valencia:

  • Support for exchange students: information and info desk for anything that an Erasmus would need.
  • Lending: bikes and other sports material lending, etc...
  • Discounts: check our CityMap discount.

Also discounts from other ESN associations from all over Europe will also apply to you. Find all them at the new webpage ESNCard.org

Check our full calendar and pay attention to our FacebookTwitter and Website to be informed about all our activities.

By other hand, if you are looking for flat or flatemate we give you two options:

  • Facebook: check our facebook event to get in contact with all the people that are finding/renting room and talk directly to them.
  • HelloFlatMate: the easiest way to rent a room in Valencia, and with the ESN Pack they will pick you up at the airport, take you to your room and give you a movile phone, ESN Activities, and more advantages.... and if you don't like the room, don't worry, you can change it!!! ;)

And remember to get in contact with all the Erasmus students through this two facebook groups:


More information can be found at our Newsletter. Rush to the ESN Office for more information. You can also join our activities and events mailing list here and of course in our Facebook and website www.esnvalenciaupv.es.

Start your new Erasmus life in Universitat Politècnica de València with Erasmus Student Network!

ESN Team

Hi guys! I'm a French student, I study modern languages and I'm looking for some people to share a flat for the beginning of September in València. I would like to have roomates who speak the following languages : Spanish, English, Italian, Czech/Slovak. If someone is interested get in touch with me please. Bye!

Hi Stéphane! I'm a Spanish guy from Andalucía and I'm going to study in UPV next year. I'm looking for a flat too and I would like to share it with people from different countries. I speak Spanish, English and a little bit of Italian and French.

Hola chicos!

My name is Roberta, I'm a napolitan student who lives in Reggio Emilia and studies to become a teacher in primary education. On august I'll come to Valencia and I'm looking for a room in the centre of city or near the UV.
Buena suerte a todos :)

See you in Valencia :)

Hello everybody!

My name is Maria and I'm a Journalism student from Coimbra, Portugal. I already sent some messages to some of you, but it's my first time in ErasmusU so I don't know how this works exactly and I don't know if I got some answers of yours.
I would like to know if there is someone who is going to study to UV this next year (2012/2013) starting in September?
I am very excited to go to Valência, to know a different city, new places, a different culture and new people!
If you are going to study Journalism or another course in Social and Legal Sciences Branch of UV, get in contact ;)

Thank you!

Hey there Stéphane I'm also going to be studying languages in Valencia and would like to share a flat with people who speak different languages from September. I'm English so I can speak to you in that, I'm going to study Spanish and 1 other language :)

Hello there! I'm 23 years old law student from Wroclaw (Poland) who is looking for friendly, creative flatmates in Valencia. I'm coming for the winter semestr and planning to come to Spain in September to search for a flat. I'm interested in learning foreign languages so I would be glad sharing a flat with people with other countries, especially from Germany or Russian. I speak English, Spanish and Polish of course so that might me useful in day-to-day conversation. ;) It's going to be my 5th year of studying in Valencia and besides having fun and go to the party I am willing to travel and spending time in a little bit more interesting, creative way : ) If you have similar expectations or just looking for somebody to spend time together, don't hesitate and write to me asap. :) 

PS. Is anybody going to study law at UV? 

Hi, I'm Óscar from Valencia next year i'll do an Erasmus Programme in Olsztyn (Poland) all year. I'm studying Law if someone need help only tell me ;) I'm here for help you, if u need help about accomodation, university, places to go out or something just tell me. Furthermore, i'm in facebook my name is Oskar Sanchez Bratanek com Have a great time to all =)

Hey! I'm a Scottish student going to study Law at CEU Valencia starting in September for the full year. I'm planning on looking for flats when I arrive in Valencia at the end of August but I'm keen to find flatmates to share with! Although I'll be going to Uni in Moncada I'd prefer to have a flat in the city centre somewhere. If anyones interested feel free to message me :) 

If you are a student ERASMUS newcomer Valencia, and would like to know it thoroughly to become a more Valencia, before your life on campus, do not hesitate and come to the guided tour with us. Our route will let you know the monuments, museums and buildings in your new city, and also you'll get all the maps you need for your new life here (metro, buses, hospitals, nightclubs, entertainment, shopping ...)


Route for the first day (duration of one day)       ONLY 45 euros

- Visit to the Torres de Serrano

- Visit the Plaza de la Virgen and the Water Court

- Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of the homeless

- Visit to the professor (Cathedral, Miguelete, and Chapel of the Holy Grail)

- Visit to Queen Square (1 hour for lunch)

- Travel by tourist bus

- Visit to the Market

- Visit the central market

- Tour bus tour to the Albufera (natural park)

- Boat ride on the Albufera (1 hour)


Route for the second day (optional Duration: 1, 2 or 3 days)        ONLY 35 euros

- Visit the museum fallero

- Visit the City of Arts and Sciences (Oceanography, hemispheric and Science Museum Principe Felipe) (You can visit every building on different days, so you need 3 days, however, you can see the Aquarium in a day and the Hemispheric and Museum in another, so that in two days you can see all)


If you are a student ERASMUS newcomer Valencia, and would like to know it thoroughly to become a more Valencia, before your life on campus, do not hesitate and come to the guided tour with us. Our route will let you know the monuments, museums and buildings in your new city, and also you'll get all the maps you need for your new life here (metro, buses, hospitals, nightclubs, entertainment, shopping ...)


Route for the first day (duration of one day)       ONLY 45 euros

- Visit to the Torres de Serrano

- Visit the Plaza de la Virgen and the Water Court

- Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of the homeless

- Visit to the professor (Cathedral, Miguelete, and Chapel of the Holy Grail)

- Visit to Queen Square (1 hour for lunch)

- Travel by tourist bus

- Visit to the Market

- Visit the central market

- Tour bus tour to the Albufera (natural park)

- Boat ride on the Albufera (1 hour)


Route for the second day (optional Duration: 1, 2 or 3 days)        ONLY 35 euros

- Visit the museum fallero

- Visit the City of Arts and Sciences (Oceanography, hemispheric and Science Museum Principe Felipe) (You can visit every building on different days, so you need 3 days, however, you can see the Aquarium in a day and the Hemispheric and Museum in another, so that in two days you can see all)


If you are a student ERASMUS newcomer Valencia, and would like to know it thoroughly to become a more Valencia, before your life on campus, do not hesitate and come to the guided tour with us. Our route will let you know the monuments, museums and buildings in your new city, and also you'll get all the maps you need for your new life here (metro, buses, hospitals, nightclubs, entertainment, shopping ...)


Route for the first day (duration of one day)       ONLY 45 euros

- Visit to the Torres de Serrano

- Visit the Plaza de la Virgen and the Water Court

- Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of the homeless

- Visit to the professor (Cathedral, Miguelete, and Chapel of the Holy Grail)

- Visit to Queen Square (1 hour for lunch)

- Travel by tourist bus

- Visit to the Market

- Visit the central market

- Tour bus tour to the Albufera (natural park)

- Boat ride on the Albufera (1 hour)


Route for the second day (optional Duration: 1, 2 or 3 days)        ONLY 35 euros

- Visit the museum fallero

- Visit the City of Arts and Sciences (Oceanography, hemispheric and Science Museum Principe Felipe) (You can visit every building on different days, so you need 3 days, however, you can see the Aquarium in a day and the Hemispheric and Museum in another, so that in two days you can see all)


If you are a student ERASMUS newcomer Valencia, and would like to know it thoroughly to become a more Valencia, before your life on campus, do not hesitate and come to the guided tour with us. Our route will let you know the monuments, museums and buildings in your new city, and also you'll get all the maps you need for your new life here (metro, buses, hospitals, nightclubs, entertainment, shopping ...)


Route for the first day (duration of one day)       ONLY 45 euros

- Visit to the Torres de Serrano

- Visit the Plaza de la Virgen and the Water Court

- Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of the homeless

- Visit to the professor (Cathedral, Miguelete, and Chapel of the Holy Grail)

- Visit to Queen Square (1 hour for lunch)

- Travel by tourist bus

- Visit to the Market

- Visit the central market

- Tour bus tour to the Albufera (natural park)

- Boat ride on the Albufera (1 hour)


Route for the second day (optional Duration: 1, 2 or 3 days)        ONLY 35 euros

- Visit the museum fallero

- Visit the City of Arts and Sciences (Oceanography, hemispheric and Science Museum Principe Felipe) (You can visit every building on different days, so you need 3 days, however, you can see the Aquarium in a day and the Hemispheric and Museum in another, so that in two days you can see all)


If you are a student ERASMUS newcomer Valencia, and would like to know it thoroughly to become a more Valencia, before your life on campus, do not hesitate and come to the guided tour with us. Our route will let you know the monuments, museums and buildings in your new city, and also you'll get all the maps you need for your new life here (metro, buses, hospitals, nightclubs, entertainment, shopping ...)


Route for the first day (duration of one day)       ONLY 45 euros

- Visit to the Torres de Serrano

- Visit the Plaza de la Virgen and the Water Court

- Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of the homeless

- Visit to the professor (Cathedral, Miguelete, and Chapel of the Holy Grail)

- Visit to Queen Square (1 hour for lunch)

- Travel by tourist bus

- Visit to the Market

- Visit the central market

- Tour bus tour to the Albufera (natural park)

- Boat ride on the Albufera (1 hour)


Route for the second day (optional Duration: 1, 2 or 3 days)        ONLY 35 euros

- Visit the museum fallero

- Visit the City of Arts and Sciences (Oceanography, hemispheric and Science Museum Principe Felipe) (You can visit every building on different days, so you need 3 days, however, you can see the Aquarium in a day and the Hemispheric and Museum in another, so that in two days you can see all)


Hi Soenayana, 

My name is Maria and I'm the owner of one visiting's guides company in Valencia (you have all the information about this visits up).

I live in Torrent, a town nera Valencia, and I study ADE in Velancia, so I can recomend to you to rent a flat near Blasco Ibañez or Amistat. You will be able to arrive to the University in 5 or 10 minutes walking. The history University is in Blasco Ibañez, so you can also rent a flat at Avenida Aragón. You can find all this places in google maps, so you can see how near ther are from the University, and there are also very near from the shops

If you need something more, please tell me

I'm going to recive you at the University in September to give you the prices of the visits, so tell your partners about them and I'll be very happy to show you my city and give you all the things you can needo (maps with all the facilities: hospitals, underground, bus, disco...

Pleased to meet you, 


Hi Soenayana, 

My name is Maria and I'm the owner of one visiting's guides company in Valencia (you have all the information about this visits up).

I live in Torrent, a town nera Valencia, and I study ADE in Velancia, so I can recomend to you to rent a flat near Blasco Ibañez or Amistat. You will be able to arrive to the University in 5 or 10 minutes walking. The history University is in Blasco Ibañez, so you can also rent a flat at Avenida Aragón. You can find all this places in google maps, so you can see how near ther are from the University, and there are also very near from the shops

If you need something more, please tell me

I'm going to recive you at the University in September to give you the prices of the visits, so tell your partners about them and I'll be very happy to show you my city and give you all the things you can needo (maps with all the facilities: hospitals, underground, bus, disco...

Pleased to meet you, 


La Saïdia is also a good place, Soeyana! :)


Is someone can advice me because I am a little bit confused.

Should I pay on this website to find and contact person for accomodation?

If I pay and then the room which intersted me is not more available, how does it work?

Thanks for your reply

The truth is that there are some pages that do that, but if you just want to find a room it's easy to find one free in September when you come. If you don't get the room they don't pay you back :( Sorry 

Showing 41-60 of 100 entries

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