laura denis
Written 12 years ago
I am a french student and I am looking for a flat in the center of valencia as my university is near colon.
Do you have any flat available for me?
thanks a lot
Tiphaine froc
Przemek Broton
Written 12 years ago
I'm Polish student looking for a flatmate/s, or room to rent in already rented flat by students. Is there anyone who would like to share flat with me? I'm going for the whole year, from september to june, studying English Philology.
Hannah Maria
Written 12 years ago
Hi guys!
For those of you who are looking for a room in Valencia, you can check this site:
The prices of the rooms vary, and are usually around 200 euros/ month depending on the size- inclusive of utilities and Internet, no comission. You can contact the numbers on the website or send me a message here.
Good luck with your accommodation search!
maria campos
Written 12 years ago
If you are a student ERASMUS newcomer Valencia, and would like to know it thoroughly to become a more Valencia, before your life on campus, do not hesitate and come to the guided tour with us. Our route will let you know the monuments, museums and buildings in your new city, and also you'll get all the maps you need for your new life here (metro, buses, hospitals, nightclubs, entertainment, shopping ...)
Route for the first day (duration of one day) ONLY 45 euros
- Visit to the Torres de Serrano
- Visit the Plaza de la Virgen and the Water Court
- Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of the homeless
- Visit to the professor (Cathedral, Miguelete, and Chapel of the Holy Grail)
- Visit to Queen Square (1 hour for lunch)
- Travel by tourist bus
- Visit to the Market
- Visit the central market
- Tour bus tour to the Albufera (natural park)
- Boat ride on the Albufera (1 hour)
Route for the second day (optional Duration: 1, 2 or 3 days) ONLY 35 euros
- Visit the museum fallero
- Visit the City of Arts and Sciences (Oceanography, hemispheric and Science Museum Principe Felipe) (You can visit every building on different days, so you need 3 days, however, you can see the Aquarium in a day and the Hemispheric and Museum in another, so that in two days you can see all)
Kike Bodi
Written 12 years ago
If anyone is looking for a shared flat near from Politecnica or Tarongers, check this webpage (
You should put the zip code 46021, I don't think that in others zones there will be too much advertisments but you can try.
See you. Enjoy your time in Valencia
PS: I know about one room in a shared flat near to Politecnica, Tarongers and Blasco Ibañez and also near to Polo y Peirolon (where there are the most important erasmus places).
If you are interested, send me a private message, I will present you the owners.
Ricardo Almeida
Written 12 years ago
Hello everybody!
My name is Ricardo and I'm a Law student from Coimbra, Portugal. It's my first time in ErasmusU so I don't know how this works exactly.
I would like to know if there is someone who is going to study to UV this next year (2012/2013) starting in September?
I am very excited to go to Valência, to know a different city, new places, a different culture and new people!
If you are going to study Law, get in contact!
Thank you!
Alexandra allie90.
Written 12 years ago
Hi, everyone! I have a free room in a 3-bedroom-flat located in C/ Naturalista Rafael Cisternas. We are looking for a third girl who share the flat with. If interested, send me a private message and I'll send you pictures of the flat. Thank you!!
Kinga Zarada
Written 12 years ago
Hi:) i'm coming to valencia next semester and I need accommodation. I'm looking for cheap room near the Politecnica of Valencia or people who wants to rent something with me.
Greg Fragnowski
Written 12 years ago
Hello :) if you are looking for flatmates and have profile in Facebook, check this two groups:
I think it will be helpful :)
See you in Valencia! :)
Gonzalo Pastor
Written 12 years ago
Hi everyone!
I'm a spanish Law student in Valencia. I have a pair of empty rooms in my home, in the city centre. If you're interested, please, send me a mail and i'll send you photos.
The total price is 350€/month with internet, community, electric and water invoices includes. The building is completely reformed and the furniture and beds are new.
The flat have the metro stops of "Angel Guimera" and "Plaza España" near (- 100 metres).
If you look for a nice flat and full of happiness, this one is your opportunity!
Best regards!
Luca A.
Written 12 years ago
Hi everybody! I'm an ex erasmus student of Valencia (I'm Italian) and I know all the difficulties of the first days of staying, so if you need any information don't exitate to ask me!! Furthermore, at the end of august I'll be there to visit some friends, so if you like we can meet to have a visit to the city or just to have a drink or go out to party! Bye!
Ryan Rady
Written 12 years ago
Hi guys,
If you need to discuss about acomodations , parties, where to go... and meet people
here is the facebook groups ;)
Hope you enjoy
Look for "Erasmus Over Valencia" On facebook
You can also be part of the team to organise parties and trips :)
Written 12 years ago
Hi guys!
I will be involve in a master's degree for the next academic year in the UV.
I am looking for people intresting in sharing a flat (spanish or foreigners) and people interesting in getting new contacts in Valencia.
I am fluent in French and English, my spanish is not too bad, and I am currently learning portuguese and Russian.
You can catch me on Facebook if you are interested.
Jordi Aràndiga
Written 12 years ago
Hey my name is Jordi, I live in Valencia and study in UPV, I think that this page can help us, it's my web for help Erasmus students in Valencia. This information is Free and if I can help you only you can said me.
I need any time for finish traslate all the web... luckily for all :D
Caroline Monaghan
Written 12 years ago
Hi!! I'm coming out in september from UCL and will be studying in the filologia department too. When are you guys heading out to valencia and how are you going about finding accomodation? I've been looking online and its tricky from here. I'm heading out a week before the course starts and hope to find a flat then but its very nerve-racking! I went to valencia in june to look round and its amazing. I reckon we'll all be very happy there.
Luca A.
Written 12 years ago
Like me one year ago...I arrived in VLC on september 7th and I stayed one week in the hostel...and when lessons started I still was without home ;) but you all guys have to be quiet, you will find for sure an accomodation very soon; I suggesto you don't look online, it's better search directly there when you'll arrive, everywhere it's full of announcement! Good luck and GET READY FOR THE BEST ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFE!!
Amy Toy
Written 12 years ago
I am struggling to find accomodation in Valencia. I want to live in the best place whilst I´m there for students and want to share with Spanish/English people. Where do I look?
Luca A.
Written 12 years ago
I suggesto you the Blasco Ibanez's the place where live the most of the erasmus students, it's close to the universities and also to a lot of discoubs and bars...I lived there (near to the Mestalla Stadium) and for me it was the best position ;)
emanuel angel
Written 12 years ago
Welocme to all new erasmus 2012-2013
If you need any help about accomodation please contact me to six-eigt-seven-two-eight-one-seven-seven.two i will be very happ to get the best dream accomodation with greta roomates in valencia