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Erasmus Experience in Parma, Italy by Mathieu

Published by flag-fr Mathieu Tassin — 6 years ago

0 Tags: flag-it Erasmus experiences Parma, Parma, Italy

Why did you choose to go to Parma, Italy?

It is a city of an average size. Which is really nice when you're in Erasmus, you can know more easily people and the city. I also knew the last person who went to the city, she told me it was a good destination for an Erasmus.


How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I stayed 10 months, I already received 1400 euros from the usual Erasmus' help and another 1200 euros from my region. In the end of the year I will have received 1800 euros from my region and more than 2000 euros from the Erasmus' help

What is the student lifestyle like in Parma?

Parma is a city in which you can party. There is clubs and pubs in certain parts of the city. It is so pretty alive. But less than other countries of the region as Bologna or Milano. Hopefully those are really close and you will fast know people there to go party hard, if you want, in those cities.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Parma to other students?

Yes I would!

What is the food like?

The food in Parma is really good. You can find little fast foods and big restaurants in the city. It is not costly, according to the prices in France, and really good.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Parma?

No, I was pretty lucky however because I could take the flat the last Erasmus from my university had. So it is not reppresentative. But I've heard from the others that it was not so hard.

How much does it cost to live in Parma?

It costs me 400€ per month, all fees included (garbage, electricity, water, gas and internet).


Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

For french people it is really easy because the languages are pretty close. But anyway the italian is not a hard language, especially if you come from a country in which there is a latin language.

There are courses but too late and not good enough to make them valuable. I recommend to know the basics before coming (the present and some basics verbs to start a bit your life), then learn by speaking with italians.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Parma from your city?

Taking a flight to Milano and then go by train to Parma.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Parma?

For the dancing part : The Circolo arci MUG is really nice. The MU is liked by a lot of people too, as the Dadaumpa. If you're spanish you've to check for the Jamaica bar.

For the drinking via d'Azeglio or Via Farini. Both are nice, however if you're a student you might prefer via d'Azeglio.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Parma?

Trattoria del tribunale, another Trattoria very close to that one (close to the law faculty) is really nice, I forgot the name sorry. The restaurants in Piazza Garibaldi and the things close to the Duomo are nice too.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

The Duomo (cathedrale) is really beautiful, with La Pilotta, the Parco Ducale and the few museums. The rest is nice but not so amazing. If you can, ty to check for the Teatro Regio, the inside is really beautiful, they are guided tours on certain days.


Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Parma in the future?

Enjoy your time and visit the whole of Italy. It is a beautiful country and there is a lot to see. You can do really good journeys with the regions and cities around (Bologna, Milano, Verona, Modena, Lago di Como... ). So go on the road! And do it already at the beginning because you never have enough time to see everything when you're an Erasmus!

Oh and enjoy your stay too !

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