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Ona's Erasmus Experience in Parma, Italy

Why did you choose to go to Parma, Italy?

It was my only choice and I am grateful that is was like that!

Ona's Erasmus Experience in Parma, Italy


How long did the scholarship last? How much money did you receive to help you with living costs?

My scholarship was for an internship in professional development in primary education, it was, in total 1. 010€ for three months . They give you 60% before you leave and 40% when you arrive, but I suppose it depends on each university.

What is the student lifestyle like in Parma?

It's a city full of students and other Erasmus people!

Would you recommend the city and the University of Parma to other students?

I was in a school, the Pifferaio Maggico, doing my internship with babies and it's great! The whole Italian educational system is good!

The city is unbelievable, it has a very good atmosphere in general.

What is the food like there?

Italian food is the best of the best! What a place to eat! The aperitifs are delicious and economical, the ice creams from Cremeria La Emilia are the best ice creams I have ever tasted!

In general, you just eat until you can eat no more!

Was it difficult to find accommodation in Parma?

The truth is, no. There are many websites that make it easy for you to find accommodation.

How much does it cost to live in Parma?

It cost me about 250€ per month. I paid 100€ for accommodation for a small room (but that is not normal - it is usually 200 or 300) plus extra expenses in food, transport, parties etc.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

You pick up the language easily. I was only there for three months, and the truth is that I could already speak the language a month later. In the beginning you can understand practically everything, and with time you learn to speak it.

I went to a course that was given in the Faculty of Economics for Erasmus students.

What is the cheapest way to get to Parma from your city?

Fly to Bologna or Milan and then to Parma.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Parma?

There are parties everywhere! Pulp, Fuorio orario, Jamaika, Mu, Bp, la calle Azeglio, evenings in the Ducale park, via Farini.

Is it good to eat out in Parma? Can you recommend some good restaurants?

Cremeria La Emilia! The nicest ice cream in the world! The Castagnoli, which is right in front of the Panorama supermarket.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

The Cathedral of Parma is amazing! Every time you go there you find something new - it's magical. There are many churches, all with their charm, the theatre, the town hall, all the parks.

Ona's Erasmus Experience in Parma, Italy


What advice would you give future students heading to Parma?

Enjoy the Erasmus experience! It is the best thing that can happen in your life. Meet new people, have new experiences - everything! Make the most of it, later you will miss it a lot!

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