Mathieu activity
Experience in University François Rabelais of Tours, France by Mathieu
Generally, what is University François Rabelais of Tours like? There is a lot of things. It is placed in a nice city to enjoy student life. For law students you also have really nice buildings, a huge library and a restaurant. All of this is really functional. The...
Erasmus Experience in Parma, Italy by Mathieu
Why did you choose to go to Parma, Italy? It is a city of an average size. Which is really nice when you're in Erasmus, you can know more easily people and the city. I also knew the last person who went to the city, she told me it was a good destination for an...
Erasmus Parma 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hi ! I am Mathieu, a french student in law, and I will be in Parma for the whole course 2014-2015. I want to find some roommates to spend the year together. I hope I will see other Erasmus students around. See you !
por Mathieu en Erasmus forum Parma -
A french guy is looking for accommodation in Parma
Hi ! My name is Mathieu and I'm going to study in Parma for the whole course 2014-2015. I'm a law student and I am going to start a master (I might have to work a bit, at least at the beginning of the year). I am looking for a place where I will live and I would like to...
in Roommates Parma, 10 years ago