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My Erasmus Experience in Naples, Italy. By Julia.

Published by flag-gb Kate Norman — 6 years ago

0 Tags: flag-it Erasmus experiences Naples, Naples, Italy

Why did you choose to go to Naples, Italy?

Because I wanted to do Erasmus in Italy and Naples was the only city which my university had an agreement with.

How long did the grant last? How much money did you receive as help?

At my university you are given the option to do the Erasmus partially or entirely: partial = one semester and entire = one full course. You can do the first six months and then, during the next year, another six months (my case). They give you about €1, 100, approximately.

My Erasmus Experience in Naples, Italy. By Julia.


What is the student environment like in Naples?

The people are very nice and friendly, there are many Erasmus students here, especially Spanish and people from Naples.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Naples to other students?

Yes, it's a nice and enriching experience, you meet a lot of new people and you become good friends with them.

My Erasmus Experience in Naples, Italy. By Julia.


How's the country's food?

The food is very rich, the pasta is better cooked than anywhere else and the pizza is unsurpassed. Naples is where the pizza was created so they are the best at making it.

Was it hard to find accommodation in Naples?

Yes, they usually try to fool the Erasmus students in the way that that they offer you things in bad condition or in ruins. You shouldn't rely on internet ads; it's better to see them in person. We went to ErasmusPoint to help us in the search for a flat and it is worthwhile, trust me - they help you get to know the areas and find the vacant flats.

My Erasmus Experience in Naples, Italy. By Julia.


How much does it cost to live in Naples?

The flats are more expensive (and much worse) and the food is expensive general as well, except for pizza and pasta which are cheaper and better in terms of quality and taste.

What about the language? Did you go to a course at the University?

I came without knowing any Italian at all and without having studied it previously, and believe me, it is not necessary. I was worried that I would not understand the classes and anything on the street in general, but I was worried for nothing. Italian is quite similar to Spanish, they understand you perfectly if you speak to them slowly and them to you. When they speak in Neapolitan it's more complicated because it's a slower pronunciation and they speak very fast, but with Italian there's no problem you don't need to study it to understand you. Many Italians thought that I had studied the language previously because I understood them when I have no clue about Italian at all.

My Erasmus Experience in Naples, Italy. By Julia.


What is the cheapest way to get to Naples from your city?

Go to Rome by plane and from Rome to Naples by train.

Which places would you recommend to party in Naples?

  • Pizza Bellini, Orientale, San Domenico (the squares are for drinking).
  • Greenwich discotheque, Toma discotheque.
  • Disco Arenille (you have to go by bus).

Erasmus organisations organise parties every week: boredom is impossible. The main days when you go out clubbing are Wednesdays (Erasmus night), Fridays and Saturdays.

My Erasmus Experience in Naples, Italy. By Julia.


What about eating in Naples? Can you tell us your favorite places?

  • Pizzeria Sorbillo, Da Michele, President, Vesi.
  • Ostreria Atri (it's like a pub near Sorbillo).

In general the food is quite good, in addition to this, there are stalls and bars everywhere, there are also very typical sweets here.

What about a cultural visit?

Archaeological Museum, Castell del Nuovo, Castell del Ovo, Palazzo Real, Piazza Plebiscito, Las catacumbas, Pompei.

My Erasmus Experience in Naples, Italy. By Julia.


Any advice you want to give to future students in Naples?

Enjoy it a lot and live the experience to the fullest, but also bear in mind that there is a lot of poverty and a lot of theft, especially from foreigners. And for the girls, be careful with the bands of teenagers in the subways, some abuse the girls (I say this from experience). But you don't have to be afraid, you have to know where you're going but that's all, keep your head on your shoulders while having a good time.

My Erasmus Experience in Naples, Italy. By Julia.


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