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Erasmus Experience in Lisbon, Portugal by Lucia

Published by flag-sk Lucia Brusnická — 9 years ago

0 Tags: flag-pt Erasmus experiences Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Why did you choose to go to Lisbon, Portugal?

I study Portuguese so for me the choice was not difficult. We can go to Lisbon or Porto but we cannot choose it by ourselves. I was lucky to have the opportunity to go to Lisbon.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

The scholarship is for one semester. It is possible to prolong the stay but there is no guarantee that we will get money for the second semester as well. I personally got 330€ per one month. It was approximately the half of the costs I needed.

What is the student lifestyle like in Lisbon?

Student lifestyle is a lot different in Slovakia. It is much more easier, teachers are not so strict. I didn't have to study that much to pass the exams. I would also say that Portuguese students are a little bit lazy. Most of the classes are held in Portuguese which might be a big problem for those who do not study it at all. In that case you won't avoid sitting in classes and not understanding a word. But teachers are usually tolerant and agree on individual program. But some of them don't :P

Would you recommend the city and the University of Lisbon to other students?


I attended Faculdade de Letras and was satisfied.

What is the food like?

First of all it's quite cheap. In comparison with Slovakia the prices are almost the same. Supermarkets offer a great range of products. I didn't really tried all the typical Portuguese food. I cooked for myself. But what I tried was Portuguese pastry which can be found in pastelarias on every corner of the street and of course I put on a lot of weight :D and yes, Pasteis de Nata are a must.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Lisbon?

I found accommodation in advance via Internet. I was lucky because I really liked it and did't have to search for anything else. It was in a part called Campolide. It is quite far from the university but as there is metro it was not a big problem. So don't be afraid to live out of the center. I shared one room with my friend and we paid 300€ for it. So 150€ for each which is very cheap because normal price is about 250€. The problem is that the flats usually do not have heating. You have to use electric heaters and as you have to use it all the time, if you don't want to freeze, you will pay more during the winter. We paid 100€ just for energies in december :D what nothing could be done about that.

How much does it cost to live in Lisbon?

As I said it is cheap. You have to count with 35€ each month for transport. And the rest depends on your lifestyle, on the trips, shopping and so on.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

Yes, there are courses of Portuguese for Erasmus students. I attended one as well and it helped me a lot. But I was in an advanced group. You have to do a selection test at the beginning. Portuguese is a very difficult language and you can't expect to learn it on the course. And if you are not interested in the language at all the course is useful to attend. But you will learn at least the basics and won't be completely lost. The course might be taken before you start university-it lasts 2 weeks(intensive course) or you might have it during the whole semester twice a week.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Lisbon from your city?

I travelled by TAP Portugal. I was satisfied. Of course it can be cheaper but I wanted a direct flight and Tap also offer 10 kg baggage for free for erasmus students. So my choice was easy :P it is a big problem to pack all the things you need for half a year.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Lisbon?

I am not a party animal. All the students used to go to Erasmus corner. But I personally hated the crowds there so I'm not the best person to ask this question. Sorry :)

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Lisbon?

I did't go to any restaurant.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

My favorite place is Cabo da Roca. If you don't go there you don't have to come at all. It's a must! Like Heaven on Earth. I was really awed by the ocean. The definitely Carmo Convent which is a church without a roof. I could stand there and just stare at it for hours. Another must is Belém. Everything is beautiful in Lisbon. Try to visit as many sited as possible.

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Lisbon in the future?

Just enjoy it as much as possible! Don't panic at the beginning if things go wrong, everything will get better and in the end it will be the best experience of your life.

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