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Catedral de Evora

  - 1 opinions

A cathedral and a basilica

Published by flag-br Ethel Rudnitzki — 6 years ago

The Catedral de Évora, or Evora's Cathedral in English, is the most important church in the Alentejo region in Portugal. It was built in the 12th century and it represents the reconquer of christianity in the country, after a great period of Arab empire. Recently, it also became a Basilica, honored by the Vatican.

A cathedral and a basilica

It is made out of granite and it is the highest construction in town, with many towers. It was also a Monastry during the 15th century and nowadays you can visit both the cloisters, the towers and the church itself.

The visit to all of these costs 3 euros for students and it is really worth it (you can also visit only the church for 2 euros and the church and cloister for 2, 50, but I reccomend going to the towers as well).

A cathedral and a basilica

From the top of the towers you'll be able to see the whole city of Evora, as well as the church's architecture with a different perspective. It looks like a princess castle! And you can walk all the way around the cathedral's ceiling, with a beautiful panoramic view. Stunning!

In the cloisters you'll find columns, and important people's tumbs (but after seeing soo many dead people in Capela dos Ossos, other great attraction in Evora, that shoudn't be a problem). Right in the middle there is a nice garden.

A cathedral and a basilica

The church is also very beautiful, with classic paintings and beautiful stained glass. The altar is very imposing and there are also many chapels inside.

A cathedral and a basilica

If you want to see even more, you can pay extra 1 euro to get in the Religous Art Museum, but I believe the Evora Museum is a better visit.

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