Genova Photo Marathon

flag-ro Adriana Filip — 0 people follow the author

November the 17th we organized a small photo marathon around Genova. The purpose was to meet and connect with erasmus students.

Blog posts

  • Piazza Principe

    We started our marathon with a railway station (Brignole) and we finished it with another (Principe).  IT: La stazione di Genova Piazza Principe, comunemente chiamata Genova Principe, è la stazione centrale della città di Genova. È situata su piazza Acquaverde,...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Piazza dei truogoli di Santa Brigida

    Passing though Via Balbi, almost at half of it you can find the passage to Piazza Santa Brigida. A lovely square with trugoli which was used to wash clothes in early times.  IT: Trogolo (forma letteraria: truogolo) è un termine di origine longobarda con cui si...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Via Balbi

    Ah, Via Balbi! The street I lived for 5 months! The street where everything happens! FR: La via Balbi est le nom d'une voie de Gênes qui fait partie d’un ensemble urbain de palais aristocratiques illustrant le « siècle génois ». Elle est la plus occidentale...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Nunziata

    By the time we arrived in Piazza della Nunziata the sun was already down. But still we could enjoy the lights on the buildings.  The square is linking Via Balbi with Via San Luca and Via Garibaldi. Also, is the start for many important vicoli. One of the central...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Via Garibaldi

    EN: Via Garibaldi is street of the historical centre of Genoa, northern Italy, well known for its ancient palaces. The street dates back to the year 1550. Originally named as Strada Maggiore, then Strada Nuova, only in 1882 its name was dedicated to Giuseppe...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Via San Luca

    Via San Luca is one of the busiest streets in the city centre of Genova. It's full of shops and of buyers (or window shoppers). It's an interesting mix of cheap and expensive shops but also cultural mix, as along the street you can find different types of shops (from...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Porto Antico

    IT: Il Porto antico è una parte del porto di Genova attualmente adibita a quartiere abitativo, centro turistico, culturale e di servizi divisa in due aree date in concessione dal demanio alle società Porto Antico di Genova S.p.A. e Marina Porto Antico S.p.A. ed...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • San Giorgio

    5 minutes walk from San Lorenzo cathedral leads to Porto Antico area, with Palazzo San Giorgio to visit first. The palazzo facade is another feature often seen on buildings of Genova. It is painted with vivid colours so that it look sculpted. The palace is accessible to...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • San Lorenzo

    IT: La cattedrale metropolitana di San Lorenzo è il più importante luogo di culto cattolico della città di Genova, chiesa madre dell'omonima arcidiocesi. È stata consacrata al santo nel 1118 da papa Gelasio II quando non era ancora ultimata e ne mancava la...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Grom

    Everyone knows italian's love for icecream (gelato), but not many know after 1 month living in Italy you'll become a gelato addict! You can have it in April, June, August, November, December, no matter when; I've seen people having it at 5°! One of the most famous...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Colombo

    The 2 towers of Porta Soprana are another landmark of Genova. They aren't easy to miss. From Piazza de Ferrari or other central monuments it takes only a few minutes walk. In fact it's a remaining part of the old city. IT: Porta Soprana (da Superana) era un tempo la...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Palazzo Ducale

    EN: The Doge's Palace (Italian: Palazzo Ducale) is a historical building in Genoa, northern Italy. Once the home of the Doges of Genoa, it is now a museum and a centre for cultural events and arts exhibitions. It is situated in the heart of the city, with two different...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Ferrari

    Piazza de Ferrari is the main square of Genova! As in many other squares around Italy cities, also Piazza de Ferrari has a statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi. Another specific feature of Genova are the LIONS! You'll find them everywhere: within buildings, outside...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Mazzini

    When you go in Galleria Mazzini you have a feeling of being in Milano's Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. Of course it's smaller, but has it's own charm. "La Galleria Giuseppe Mazzini è un camminamento coperto situato nel centro di Genova, in prossimità del Teatro Carlo...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Via XX Settembre

    Via XX Settembre is one of the main streets in the center of Genova, with a length of almost kilometer. If you are a shopping lover, this is the right place; many international and local brands have shops here. Saturday is one of the busiest days, with many shoppers (or...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Vittoria

    IT: Piazza della Vittoria è una delle piazze più centrali di Genova, situata a pochi passi dalla stazione ferroviaria di Genova Brignole e dal moderno centro direzionale di Corte Lambruschini. L'edificazione della piazza, come evidenzia l'architettura degli eleganti...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • Brignole

    First stop for our marathon: Stazione Brignole! Genova Brignole railway station is a major station of Genoa, northern Italy; it is located on Piazza Verdi in the town center at the foot of the Montesano hill. The main long distance station is Genova Piazza Principe...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • The map

    This is the plan that we followed: I chose these locations because they are the most popular and visited places in Genoa; all students and tourists know them. The entire marathon was covered on foot and we had beautiful weather all day long.

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago
  • The Idea

    Genova Photo Marathon Saturday 17th November a Foto Marathon in Genova! I'm going around the city (see list with locations bellow) with my camera. I want to take as many photos as possible. And as much as I like architecture photos, photographing also people it's always...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Genoa 12 years ago

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