
Published by flag-ro Adriana Filip — 12 years ago

Blog: Genova Photo Marathon
Tags: flag-it Erasmus blog Genoa, Genoa, Italy

By the time we arrived in Piazza della Nunziata the sun was already down. But still we could enjoy the lights on the buildings. 

The square is linking Via Balbi with Via San Luca and Via Garibaldi. Also, is the start for many important vicoli.

One of the central buildings in the square is Basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato. (long name for a church, huh?)

EN: The Basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato is a Catholic cathedral in Genoa, northern Italy; its decoration employed the major baroque studios and artists in Genoa in the 17th century. It is named Vastato because the area where it was built was outside the walls of the city, in an area where houses had been demolished (devastated) for defensive reasons. In Latin, vastinium referred to a safety belt within the protective bastions.

IT: La basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato è un edificio religioso di Genova, situato in piazza della Nunziata. È una delle chiese più rappresentative dell'arte genovese del tardo manierismo e, soprattutto, del barocco di primo Seicento.

FR: La basilique Santissima Annunziata del Vastato (en italien: basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato ) est une église de la ville de Gênes, très représentative de l'école génoise, typique du maniérisme tardif, du baroque du Seicento (xviie siècle).

(source : Wikipedia)

In the square among shops and hotels there's also a big bus station which connects several districts of Genova.

The inside of the church is also wonderful, and even if from the outside the church doesn't seem big the interior is imposing.

Our next stop was Via Balbi with it's many palaces! 

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