My Exam Preparations And Few Tips For You

Published by flag-in Manoj Pradeep — 5 years ago

Blog: Day to Day Life In Tbilisi
Tags: Erasmus tips

My warm greetings to all readers of my blog. My semester exams got over just the previous week and I was having a really tough time in handling the pressure as it was a vast portion to study and obviously I don't have any other choice rather than to sit and study. It's the examination time when a student experiences the maximum stress and in my case of studying medicine its the worst. The portions are too vast and you can't find enough time to cover them all. This situation doesn't exist only among medical students its the same thing for every student irrespective of what course they study as each one have their own difficulty. As I'm a student myself I can't tell you the exact things to do to achieve high marks but I would like to share with you all some of the small things a person must do in order to withstand the stress that exams can impose on you.

Preparation from the very beginning is the first and the foremost thing you need to remember. We all know that as we start a semester we would definitely have an exam at the end so don't wait till the exam arrives. Start preparing from the very beginning because at the time of exams you don't have to gaze at your book and think. When the portions are little its really easy to understand and read than leaving it to accumulate and suffer at the end. When you keep yourself updated with everyday's portions you don't have anything new to study and you can allocate more time to study the topic that is hard for you. Waiting till the exams to study is not going to gain you anything but it just adds up some additional stress. Always keep in mind that remaining idle is not going to fetch you anything.

The second thing which I'll say is to make some easy notes with your own handwriting. It's true that when you read from your own handwriting you can memorize things more faster than reading from a book. Whenever you read a lesson just take some notes, draw little illustrations that you can understand, if some terms are difficult make mnemonic or search and find one that is easy for you to remember etc. You can find a plenty of mnemonics online. This will make your final preparation easy as you don't have any necessity to go through all the 1000 or 2000 pages of the whole book again. You can revise quickly and remember it more accurately than you read from a book.


The next thing to do is find out which part of your syllabus is the most difficult for you. Including me many may say that everything is difficult that is quite common but when you start practising to study daily you'll easily find out the topics that are easy and the topics that are difficult for you. Mark the topics with a highlighter or a marking sticky notes. Remember to have a look at them whenever you find time. As you frequently learn the topics that you think difficult in a course of time the topic will be at your fingertips.

You will definitely get your time table at least a month before the exams. When you get it make a small study plan, I know it's really hard to follow plans and plans often collapses every time as I myself experienced it a lot of times. Still with practice it's possible to follow a plan. Make a table allotting a hour or two depending on your ability for each subject. This plan doesn't mean that you have to sit 24*7 with your books in hand. Give a time for yourself to relax but when you sit to study concentrate only on it without any deviation. If you follow the plan that you yourself made for you then you can be proud of two things 1] you don't have to struggle even a bit during the eve of exams and 2] You have gained good self control.

The other benefit of preparing from the very beginning is that you can consult your teachers about the difficult topics and ask them to clarify you. The teachers will be very pleased to help you with subjects and this time you can understand the topic in a better way than you understood in the class. You can even consult some of your friends who are good at the subject if you hesitate to ask the teachers but bear in mind that even your friends are also students like you and even they can make mistakes.

The nights before exams have a pleasant sleep and go to bed early. This is essential because exams are meant to think and without proper sleep you brain can't think as it needs some rest to function properly. As many of you know brain is the only organ that functions even when you sleep you may ask me what will happen when we stay awake and study the whole night as the brain is going to function anyways. It's that you are resting your eyes, reducing the workload for your brain and importantly the blood supply to your brain increases which in turn can refresh the brain thereby making you to perform better in the exams.

Never panic before the exams. This is one of the most common thing students like us do before we enter the exam hall. As we gather in front of the exam hall we begin to anticipate how the question paper would be, will it be easy, will it be tough, will they ask something that I didn't study and so on. Never do that and develop a confidence that you will do the exam well. If you have followed all the above steps then you should be double confident about the exam. If you panic before the exam you will be subjected to unnecessary tension and even the easy questions might appear difficult to your eyes.

When you receive the question paper in the exam hall before beginning just close your eyes and relax for a while. If you have time read your question paper once. If in case you don't know an answer for a particular question or you couldn't remember the answer for a question don't get tensed. Leave that question and continue with the reset. Don't waste time weeping over the question that you don't know as you can think and write the answer for that question in the end.

Time management is another thing to keep in mind. It is more important if you are attending an exam where you are supposed to give brief answers. Even during exams with multiple choice questions keep track of the time because if you spend a lot of time in a single question you will have to answer the questions at the end in a hurry. Anything that you do in a hurry will never get you a good result. Take the appropriate time needed for a particular question.


Exams and marks are just for records. All that counts is knowledge so avoid any kind of immoral acts in the exam hall. Try answering the questions that you know as you can later be proud of yourself that all the marks you got is only because of your hard work. Don't forget that honesty is always rewarded.

Unfortunately you fail in the exam don't depress yourself again as success and failure are a part and parcel of life. Make your mind prepared to face the next exam with some additional courage and effort. There is not a thing you can find in history as hard work failed. Give your best shot at the follow up exam and you will be rewarded.

According to me these are some of the little things a person must have in mind before starting to prepare for any exam. As I said before I'm not a professor for giving advices these are the things that I follow. Sometime I myself can't keep up things as we are all humans and at the same time when I follow the above steps I get gifted with marks. It's all up to your mind to take it or leave it. Till I write another interesting article take care keep smiling and cheers!


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