Tomato soup
Hola people!
I am from Poland I have 24 years old. Doing my last year of school in Palma de Mallorca, Spain (Catalan more i think). Summer just ended, and even here we've got a winter time.
October goes to the past, it was month full of good weather here, and full of good memories. No tourist, no noise on beaches, water was clean. Last time when I swam in the sea was 6th of november. Now we have got 8 degrees up to zero and i thinking about buying some good and warm jacket.
This is very difficult to start, but i have little bit advice for you. If you are going abroad and yours language skills are not very well (like me) and you forgot some words, just say it in your foreign language. Yes for real! Human body expression gives a lot of information, and body language is a language that everybody knows. Even if you dont think about it your body expression doing translation of what you feeling and what you want. I use it and everybody use it. I suggest to read some information about body language, because this is very good topic. So this is my advice for start! Take care
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