Sweet special dumplings

Sweet special dumplings - portuguese way

Mass Patty
1 cup of water
1 cup of flour
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of butter
Zest of 1 lemon

bage or pastry cream Cremin 

sugar and cinnamon

oil for frying

Bring the water, salt, butter and lemon on the stove until boiling.
Remove the lemon and add the flour all at once, stir until a ball despegada the pan.
Move the dough to a countertop or silicone mat and knead well with your hands.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and place a spoon of filling at one end.
Fold the dough and with a patty cutter or a glass / cup cut the patty.
Repeat the process until the dough.
Patty Fry in hot oil, then sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
Serve still warm.

You can use any stuffing to taste.
If you choose to take somewhere or serve one day to the next will be better dough patty that is before frying the patty brush with egg and breadcrumbs go through, so protects the mass that has a tendency to get stiff after cooling due into contact with the oil. I usually jump this process because the patties fried before serving the meal, so they have time to cool down a bit.
If you want to make savory patties can use the same dough and fill with what you like best. At the end dough is required. Both salt such as sweets may be frozen!

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