Nadughi recipes

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 7 years ago

Blog: 2017-2018
Tags: Erasmus recipes

Nadughi recipes

Nadughi with peppermint

Nadughi with peppermint is a very popular sauce in Georgia and it’s like a fancy sauce or something like that, because they don’t usually have it at home like Tkemali or Ketchup or things like that. People don’t usually have Nadughi with peppermint at home, however, when they prepare it, it’s like an important day, I guess.

Well, as I have already mentioned in my other article, Nadughi is a dairy product, however, it’s mostly full of albumin proteins and its technology is a little bit different from preparing some other dairy products. Though it’s a dietic product and it’s a good thing to consume Nadughi from time to time.


  • 100 grams peppermint
  • Nadughi, 500 grams
  • Sour cream or milk
  • Salt to taste

Nadughi recipes

Preparation process

Well, the preparation process starts with the peppermint. To be honest, I don’t really love peppermint, however, it’s really good with the Nadughi and you should definitely add some peppermint to the Nadughi, otherwise it won’t taste the same, of course.

So, you wash the peppermint and dry it with a towel and take the leaves and leave that stick to the trash. Then you should chop those peppermint leaves into small pieces.

After that, you can take Nadughi and pour it into a medium bowl and kind of make it thinner, because it shouldn’t be that thick as the cottage cheese. It should be something like that sour cream consistency, if you want to know the truth.

Well, you can either use the milk or sour cream to add to the Nadughi, so that it won’t be that thick. I usually use some milk or even some kefir, however, the sour cream is not a bad idea at all.

After you have reached your desired consistency, all you have to do is to add some salt to your Nadughi and then add those chopped peppermint leavesand mix them all together very well. You should put it into the refrigerator for some time, so that the dish will get blended and it will be even more delicious after some time of being into the refrigerator.

Nadughi recipes

Nadughi in Sulguni cheese slices

People usually like having some Nadughi in Sulguni cheese slices on their tables, when they have some party at their homes or something like that. It’s like the fancy thing on the table, which is a very beautiful one and people really like eating those things, because it’s very light to eat them.

Well, the Nadughi with peppermint and those Sulguni cheese slices are like compensating each other and the taste is pretty good in all and that’s why people like it, I guess.

So, the preparation of those Nadughi in Sulguni cheese slices is very easy after you have prepared the Nadughi with peppermint. Then, all you have to do is to have some Sulguni cheese bought. You need as many slices of Sulguni cheese as you want, however, this amount of Nadughi with peppermint is enough for ten Sulguni cheese slices, I guess.

Nadughi recipes

So, you should take 5 Sulguni cheese slices and cut them into halves. Then you should cover the Nadughi with peppermint with those slices like a cone shape, or maybe it’s more comfortable for you to first just make the cones from those slices and then put the Nadughi with peppermint in them.

Then you don’t have to cut those remaining slices of Sulguni cheese and you should put the filling into them and seal them like Khinkali with some herbs. Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t really like that one and I prefer the cone ones and many people just do the cone ones, if you want to know the truth.

Anyways, this is the Nadughi recipes, which people usually use to prepare Nadughi. This Nadughi with peppermint is pretty good with many dishes, such as Ghomi, Mchadi, spaghetti, fried potatoes, etc. so that if you prepare it, you won’t regret it and it will be useful in many things ,and, besides, it’s very healthy and good for your body.

Nadughi recipes

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