My Bread.! My Ways.!

Published by flag-in Manoj Pradeep — 12 years ago

Blog: Day to Day Life In Tbilisi
Tags: Erasmus recipes

Hello guys, hope you all are doing well. Today I want to share with you all something which I daily experiment about. Bread is the most common food available all around the world. Although there are different forms of bread in different regions of the world I think that there is no place in the earth which can say it has no bread. After arriving at Tbilisi bread has became a part of my regular morning breakfast. As I started to eat bread daily in the morning I got fed up with breads and it took me to a point where I was about to say that I don't want to see bread anymore in the kitchen. I even  wondered at people who were able to eat bread for all three times a day everyday. I thought if it is the way I grew up which made it uncomfortable to eat bed continuosly every ,morning. I was never able to find an answer but fortunately I got enlightened and thought why don't we try different dishes in bread and try eating them. Now I can have different varities of bread in different flavors. This is something really interesting especially for me. 

After taking such a decision about my breakfast I started experimenting different kinds of bread toasts with different flavors. Some where tasting really good where as some where tasting really bad. Whatever the taste I got it didn't really matter to me. I was happy with the fact that each time I was cooking something new! something different! A morning breakfast especially during holidays and weekends with two bread toasts and a cup of English breakfast tea will give a fresh beginning to my day. I want to share with you all here today about some of the most common varities of Indian bread toasts at first followed by some of the indigenously made bread toasts by me. Hope you all are ready for the fun.!

Recipe 1:

Let me begin with something sweet. Let us name this bread toast as "Sweet Egg Bread Toast". Actually there is a real name for this toast and I forgot it therefore I kept my own name for the dish. However the name is not going to matter much it is the taste that matters. If anyone of you remembers the name of the dish as you read the procedure let me know the exact name in the comment box.! Thanks in advance :)

What are the ingredients needed for making this sweet delicious toast? 

1. Bread - 4 slices.

2. Egg - 2nos

3. Milk - Half Glass

4. Sugar - 2 tablespoon or more as you like.

5. Oil - 1 teaspoon

Now let us read how to make this sweet bread toast. First take a mixing bowl and break open the eggs into it. Add the half glass of milk and the sugar to the bowl and mix all the contents well. The sugar should get well dissolved in the mixture. You can taste the mixture and see if you need more sugar. After correcting the mixture to your desired sugar level place a pan on a lighted stove. Add a teaspoon of oil to it and wait till the oil  gets heated. Then take a slice of bread dip it in the mixture such that the bread gets evenly coated with the mixture on all sides. After coating the bread with the mixture drain the excess of mixture from the bread and place it in the hot pan. Keep the stove in a medium flame to prevent the bread from getting scorched. After few minutes turn the bread upside down and wait till you get the smell of a freshly roasted bread. After getting the roasted texture remove the bread from the pan and repeat the procedure. A sweet delicious bread toast is ready.! You can have it as your breakfast or even as your evening snack.

Recipe 2:

This is a much simple kind of bread sandwich which I usually do when I don't have any ingredients in my home or when I'm really lazy to get out from my home to buy ingredients. So you can call it as "Bread sandwich from scratch" :D

What ingredients do you need to prepare it??

You may ask me why did I then tell that you don't need any ingredients. Yes I told you but you can't make bread toast without bread at least.

1. 4 slices of bread

2. Onions 1nos [small one will do]

3. Butter - As needed to spread over the bread

4. Pepper powder - 1 teaspoon

5. Mayonnaise - A little.

6. Salt - To taste

How would you actually prepare it? It is just simple. Spread butter on both sides of the bread slices. Then take the onion and chop into fine pieces. Then spread the onions on the surface of a slice of bread and add a little mayonnaise over it. Then sprinkle salt and pepper over it. Close this slice of bread with another bread and place it inside a bread toaster. When the green light glows your bread toast is ready to serve. It is quite simple and also has a unique taste. Try it in your home when you have nothing to cook. A perfect dish for students.!

Recipe 3:

How about a spicy Indian style sandwich fot breakfast? This is what I'm going to explain you now. Since it carries the trademark Indian flavor you may call this as "Magic Masala".

Ingredients needed for preparing this delicious bread sandwich are mentioned below.

1. Bread slices - 4nos

2. Onions - 1no

3. Tomato - 1/2no or tomato paste 1 tablespoon

4. Green chilly 1nos

5. Oil - As needed

6. Salt - to taste

7. Soy sauce - 1 teaspoon

8. Chili powder - 2teaspoons

9. Butter - A little

Making all these things ready now let us see how is this delicious recipe prepared.

Take an onion and chop them into fine small pieces. Chop the tomatoes and green chilies into small pieces. Place a pan on a lighted stove and add a little oil to it. Wait till the oil gets heated. Then add the onions and saute till it gets fried. The onions must turn brown in colour. After this add the green chilies and continue to saute the mixture. After few minutes add the tomatoes and saute. Keep the stove in simmer to prevent the mixture from getting scorched. Then add a little salt, chili powder and a teaspoon of soy sauce. Mix it well and leave it for few seconds. Sprinkle a little water over the mixture and let it fry for a few more minutes.

Take the bread slices and spread the butter over them equally on both the sides. Take few spoons of the filling we made and place it on the surface of one bread. Cover the surface of the bread with another bread slice. Then place this in a pre-heated bread toaster. Leave it for sometime till the light turns green. After few minutes take the bread slices out of the toaster and your magic masala sandwich is ready to eat.

This sandwich has more of an Indian gravy touch still it is delicious as it is hot and spicy.!

Recipe 4:

This is really a spicy bread sandwich and one of my favorites as well. For this you will need only some of the common ingredients found in your home. Now let us have a look at the ingredients needed to prepare this delicious bread sandwich.

1. Bread slices 4 pieces

2. Onions 1nos

2.Green Chilly 1no

3. Tomatoes 1nos

4. Eggs 2nos

5. Salt to taste

6. Pepper 2 teaspoon

That is all the ingredients needed to prepare this simple but delicious bread sandwich. Here comes the procedure to make this sandwich. Chop the onions into small fine pieces. Also chop the tomatoes and green chilies into fine pieces. Take a vessel with water. Place the two eggs in it and add some salt. Place the vessel on a stove to boil. Wait till the eggs get completely boiled. This will take a minimum of ten minutes. After the eggs boil remove the shell. Chop the eggs into small pieces and keep them aside. Take a mixing bowl and add the chopped onions, tomatoes and green chilies into the bowl. Add the chopped eggs into the bowl. Add some salt, a little pepper according to your state and mix it very well. Then take the bread slices and spread butter over them evenly on both sides. Then spread the mixture like a filling over the surface of one bed. Cover the surface of this bread with another slice of bread. Place it in a bread toaster and wait till it gets toasted. When the green light glows in your toaster this spicy Breadsandwich is ready to serve.

Recipe 5:

I will call this recipe as a "Classic Indian Veggie" as this is a trademark Indian sandwich which is commonly available in many Indian restaurants. Making this sandwich needs a little exposure to Indian cuisine although it is very easy to make.

What are the major ingredients that you will need inorder to make this sandwich??

The ingredients required are just the commonly available items which are as follows.

1. Bread 4 slices with their crust removed

2. Butter a little

3. Onions 1nos

4. Carrot 1nos small

5. Cucumber 1nos small

6. Chilli Chutney 2teaspoons

7. Salt to taste

8. Pepper 2 teaspoons

9. Coriander leaves [optional]

So how is this dish prepared? It is not a difficult process and it is more or less the same as the making of ordinary sandwich. One thing you must know to make is the chutney. For chilli chutney you will need 3 or 4 dry chilies, a little onion and a small piece of tamarind with salt to taste. Chop the onions first, then place a vessel on a lighted stove add some oil and wait till it gets heated. Then add the red chillies and saute them for a while till the color changes. Then add the onions into the oil and continue to saute. Once the onion turns into golden brown colour or when the onions become translucent turn off the stove and let it cool down. When it gets cooled take a mixer and add this mixture inside it. Grind it into a fine paste with a little piece of tamarind and a little salt. Your chili chutney is ready. In some places chutney's made from mint are also used.

Take the bread slices and spread the butter evenly on the outer side. On the inner side of the bread spread the chutney either chilly or mint evenly. Over it place two to three pieces of finely chopped carrot, few pieces of cucumber, onions and tomatoes. Then sprinkle some salt over it and add pepper powder. If you like  coriander leaves then you may add even it. Then cover the bread with another slice and place it inside a toaster. Wait till the light turns from red to green. Once the green light turns on you are ready to taste your "Classic Indian Veggie".

Recipe 6: 

This is a completely different kind of bread recipe from all the above mentioned items. This can be called as "Indian Bread Roll". The process i a bit complex and takes time. So it is advisable for you try it on a weekend. The ingredients needed for making this delicious recipe are as follows.

1. Bread - 4 slices with their crust removed.

2. Chicken or Potatoes - 2nos

3. Cumin seeds 1teaspoon

4. bread crumbs - 50grams

5. Oil as needed

6. Salt to taste

7. Chili powder 1tablespoon

8. Onion 1no

9. Tomato 1no

10. Garam Masala 1teaspoon

11. All purpose flour 1/2 cup

The process is a bit complex to read but when you try this at home you will get to know that it is an easy dish to make. The process of making this delicious recipe can be divided into two. One is preparing the filling and th e other is making the bread roll.


First you have to boil the vegetables or the meat in water with a little amount of salt. When it is fully boiled take it out and cut them into small pieces. Then continue with the below steps.

To make the filling for the bread roll keep a vessel on a lighted stove and add a little oil. When the oil gets add cumin seeds to it and wait for a few seconds. Then add some finely chopped onions and saute it for a while. After 5 minutes add chopped chilies and continue to saute. Then add the chopped tomatoes into the mixture and saute it well. Add a little salt, chili powder to the mixture and mix it well. To this add the chicken or potato pieces to it and sprinkle a little water. Continue to saute it till you get a thick paste.

Bread Roll:

Take the bread slices and remove the crust from it. Then dip only one side of the bread in water and take it out. The dipped side will have a different texture from the undipped side. Keep the bread between your two palms and squeeze it a little. This will give you a bread slice with a flat surface. Place the filling you made above on one side of the bread. Roll the bread in the shape of a roll. You will have to make it look like a log. Then dip it in a small amount of milk and roll it in bread crumbs. You can either keep this inside a convection oven or you can pour some oil in a pan, place it on a stove. When the oil gets heated you can place these rolls on them and fry it till it becomes golden brown on all sides.  If you want to deep fry your bread rolls you can do so but for that first you must dip the bread in a dilute solution of all purpose flour and then roll it in bread crumbs. Now you can deep fry your bread rolls. That's it delicious Indian bread role is ready to serve. They taste really delicious with some hot chili sauce.

Please note: 

i] Do not keep excess of filling inside the bread rolls as it can cause bursting of them

ii] During deep frying be careful about the thickness of the all purpose flour paste used. It should not be too thick

Recipe 7:

This recipe I'm explaining here is quite colorful. You can keep whatever name you feel like. I'm leaving the name of this dish blank for you, This is quite a lengthy process just like the bread rolls and it consumes a lot of time. This dish is also better if you prepare during holidays or during free time. 

Let us now see what are the necessary ingredients for the preparing this dish,

1. All purpose flour 4 tablespoon

2, Bread 4 slices

3, Chutney of your choice 2 teaspoons

4. Ketchup 

5. Oil as needed

6. Salt to taste

7, potato 1 nos

8. Turmeric powder 1 teaspoon

9. Chilli powder 2 teaspoons

10.Green chilly 1nos

How to make this dish?

First add a little water to the flour and make a dough. Take a vessel, fill it with water. Add the potatoes to the vessel with a little salt. Place the vessel on a lighted stove and allow it to boil for 10minutes. When the potatoes are fully boiled peel its skin off. Mash the potatoes finely and to it add finely chopped chillies, turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt and mix it well. Now take the bread slices and use a sharp ended glass to make circles from your bread. Take these circles of bread and discard the others. To the circles of bread add a little of the above mixture. Take a small ball of dough and roll it fat with a rolling pin. Place the bread with the filling over the dough such that the filling faces the dough. On the top surface of the bread apply a little chutney. It can be made in the same way I mentioned in the above recipes. Over this chutney again place another cicular piece of bread. On its top surface apply a layer of ketch up. Place another circular bread over it. Press it firmly such that they don't separate from each other. Place a frying pan on the stove and add some oil. Allow the oil to get heated and when the oil is ready put the prepared pieces in the oil deep fry it. Be careful such that you don't scorch it. When it turns golden brown in colour take it out of the oil and place it in a plate. Cut it from the centre part and now you can see three different colours of filling with a deep fried bread.!! Your dish is ready to serve.

I guess this is enough for now as I couldn't remember anymore now. Try some of these recipes whenever you find some free time at home and do let me know if you have any suggestions or comments by posting them below. These dishes has not only fulfilled my hunger but has also helped me in gaining more and more experience in cooking. I'll continue this more elaborately with some more interesting recipes when I get time. Thank you so much for reading it patiently. Till I publish my next article keep smiling and cheers :) :) 

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