Meat soup recipe

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 8 years ago

Blog: Recipes
Tags: Erasmus recipes


Hey everyone, hope you’re having a good day!

Today I want to share a recipe with you. Well, technically, this recipe is modified by me and I don’t know what to call it, but it was supposed to be kind of a soup, here they call it “Souzi” and maybe you can call it soup or something like that, whatever you want. The point here is, that it came out pretty delicious and, by that, I mean, that you couldn’t stop eating it was so delicious. And that’s not only my opinion about it, the others said that, too, so now you know, that I’m not lying and you can take a chance and discover that yourself, too.


  • Bony parts of pork
  • Potatoes, medium-sized, 4
  • Onions, 3
  • Basil, fresh
  • Parsley, fresh
  • Coriander, fresh
  • Salt to taste
  • Tomato paste

Preparation process

Well, the preparation process was not that hard or it didn’t need much of attention and stuff like that. You know, when you’re making something like a soup you don’t really need to pay much attention to it, as it needs some time to be prepared and it just needs boiling, that’s all, and that’s the process that you can’t really overcontrol or things like that, you know. So, I just had to prepare some ingredientsfor the dish and have them prepared, so that when their time came, I would add them to the dish and that would be pretty much it.

The very first thing I needed to do  is to prepare some pork. It should be cut into small pieces, well, you could have them either cut into very small pieces, or large pieces or medium _ that was all depended on your taste. I really like them when they are small and for just one bite, so I usually cut them into pretty small pieces. But I know that this dish requires some meat that has bones in it and, well, when you have bony meat, it’s harder to cut them into very small pieces. However, I cut them into small pieces as I could, and the rest of it I left it as it was. The bony mass gives the dish a distinguished taste, so it’s a must to have some bony parts in your dish, remember! So, I just put the pork pieces into a saucepan, poured some water to it and put it on the gas to boil. After boiling I poured the water out and poured another water in it and put it back on the gas to boil again.

While I was waiting for the pork pieces to be cooked, I prepared some other stuff. Well, technically, I needed some potatoes. I had some new potatoes bought, they were medium sized and I just took 4 of them and cut them into small pieces and had them set aside, as I needed first my pork pieces to be kind of cooked, so that I could add them some potatoes, as potatoes didn’t need as much time to be cooked as the pork pieces did.meat-soup-recipe-d1276467db976a5b2021db9

I also needed to have some bay leaves put into the boiling water filled with pork pieces. And I also took 3 medium sized onions, chopped them into very small pieces (in fact, I had them blundered in my chopper, which I appreciate very much, because it makes everything be done so easily) and I put them in an oiled pan and let them cook, I mean, I cooked them until they got brownish and had some great smell emitted.

Then it was time for my pork pieces to be taken from the water and put into that pan full of onions. I did that, of course, and let the pork pieces be cooked with onions. Then I added some black pepper, paprika, red pepper, garlic, thyme, salt, ground coriander and mixed them together. I had also added some tomato paste to it, just to have some great taste acquired and I also had some fresh chopped coriander and parsley and basil added to the pork pieces in that frying pan. It had such great smell, you can’t even imagine, until you have done the same thing!

After a couple of minutes, I put all this stuff back to the saucepan, where there was this stock of pork pieces left and now it was time to let the dish be cooked. Of course, I tasted the stock and decided whether it needed some salt or pepper or  things like that, you know. I always check the dish and taste ituntil I decide that it’s finished and ready to be served. Of course, you should check it. Otherwise, how you can know, whether it’s good or bad?!


You know, my grandmother makes an excellent Souzi and I just love it. She used to make it when I was little and she’s been preparing it ever since I remember. She knows that I love such things, I mean soups and stuff like that. Especially those ones, which have meat in it and some tomato paste or tomatoes and when it’s kind of thick, you know. I don’t know how to describe it. It has some sort of different taste and it’s just heavenly and I have its taste in my mouth even now! She really knows how to prepare those kinds of dishes. Oh, and she cooks potatoes just amazingly. It’s like she was born potato-cooker. Well, don’t get me wrong about that. I just want to say, that the potatoes that she prepares are just very delicious. I don’t know if you read my other blogs or not, but I have mentioned there my grandmother, too, and how she had potatoes during those war timesand how they just used to prepare some dishes with potatoes and how they made up some dishes, because when you only eat, for example, fried potatoes for the whole week, or for just  a couple of days, you get bored with it and, also, it’s not that healthy and stuff like that, you know, and so, you have to think of something else. And, of course, there were children, too, and they are kind of difficult when it comes to food, so that you have to be creative not to make them get bored with food. Well, I guess, those times were very different from nowadays and children were not that demanding about many things, I think, but still…

Anyways, when I tasted my dish, it kind of needed some salt and I’m usually careful with the salt, because you know, it’s better if the dish lacks salt, rather than it has plenty of it or more than enough! So, it’s better if you add some salt and then taste the dish again and then if it still lacks salt, you add it again and so on and so forth, until the salt is just fine with the dish!

Meat soup recipe

Now, it was time for the potatoes. So, I’ve told you that I had 4 medium sized new potatoes washed and then cut into four parts in their lengths and then cut each of them, too, so that the pieces wouldn’t be very big or very small, just about the size of my pork pieces, I guess, because as I’ve said, I don’t really like when there are large pieces of some ingredients floating around my dish, I just prefer one bite sized pieces, so that they are better-looking and easier to eat and easier to cook, too. So, that’s how I do it. And I don’t know whether or not you agree with me, but you can either do it my way, or just do it however you want, of course.

So, as the pork pieces had already been almost prepared and they had this great smell after cooking them with onions and spices and tomato paste in a frying pan, I put them back into the saucepan and added some salt and then some cut new potatoes and  then I would leave it like that on a low heat and let everything be cooked slowly and peacefully, as it didn’t need anything else from me. Or, perhaps, stirring occasionally, from time to time. And that was it. My dish was going to be ready in some time and, well, as those new potatoes don’t overcook easily, I could just have the dish on a low heat as long as I wanted, so that I could control  the consistency of  the dish and decide how thick or whatever I wanted my dish to be.

The only thing left until the dish was ready, was to add some chopped fresh coriander and parsley and basil. But that could wait, because they needed to be added just before I turned of the gas and say that the dish was ready. I’ve been told, that it’s better when you add those fresh herbs at the end of the preparationand then when you add them the dish needs to be boiled a little (that doesn’t really need time, because the dish is already boiling a little) and that’s it. These herbs emit such flavor, especially the coriander, that they give a distinguished smell and taste to the dish and I like it very much. I really like herbs in my dishes, in general, if you want to know the truth.


So, finally, I decided that my dish was finished and ready to be eaten. I really wanted to taste it, as I had done so many things for it to be prepared and stuff like that, you know, and it had this great smell that you couldn’t resist. But mostly, it had this meat and tomato paste smell, I guess, and that’s the one that I like, if you want to know the truth.  However, since the dish was still pretty hot, I had to wait until it got warmer, so that I could eat it and decide whether I did a good job or not. And, well, in some time it was already warmer and I took the liberty of tasting it. You know, the first bite or whatever I ate without bread and it was really delicious, but then I decided to give bread a try and had a small bite of it with some of the dish and, boy, it tasted heavenly. I just couldn’t stop myself from eating all of the dish. Well, that was exaggerated, but still, you get what I’m saying. The dish was worth preparing and I was very proud, that it came out that delicious. Well, it was just me, who had tasted it yet, but who cared about what others would think, at least, I liked it, and if I liked it, I guess, others would like it, too. Or else, they would just not eat it and it would be more for me, right?!

Well, when people tasted my dish, they said that it was really delicious and that they liked it and they ate it a lot and a lot was remaining, too, so that everyone could eat it and enjoy the dish. Some of them just ate those potatoes, for example, my brother. Well, he always does that. He doesn’t eat the stock or whatever you call it, he just takes some potatoes from every dish and eats them like there’s nothing else except the potatoes. That’s just funny or I don’t know what to call it. It’s just his habit or whatsoever.

So then, this was my dish, which I prepared some days ago and I just wanted to share it with you all. I hope, you will find it interesting, and since I made some pretty strong points about it being delicious and worth preparing, I guess, you will want to try and prepare the dish yourself, too. So, good luck with that!


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