Blini with meat

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 7 years ago

Blog: 2017-2018
Tags: Erasmus recipes


The introduction

Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine!

In this article I want to tell you about this popular dish in Georgia, which people really love, however, there are not many days, when they prepare it at home or have it at home, because they can have some already prepared things bought at the supermarkets or bakeries or places like that and, besides, they can have them bought frozen and then prepare them or just buy them already prepared at the supermarkets and that’s it. Not many people prepare those things at home anymore, however, it’s still a good idea to prepare this dish at home, because then you know, what there is inside the dish and you can prepare it just the way you want it to taste, etc.

So, anyways, this dish is called “Blini with meat” and it’s like ground meat wrapped with crepes and it’s a pretty good dish, especially if you want to take it with you.

Well, especially children loves those blini with meat and they always look forward to having them on dinners or some parties and things like that, so that let me tell you about the preparation of the blini with meat.

There are some different recipes of how to prepare this blini with meat, however, I will tell you about one of them now.


Preparation of the meat filling:

First of all, we should prepare the meat filling, I guess, and then have the crepes prepared.


  • Beef, 500 grams
  • Pork fat, 150 grams
  • Onions, 200 grams
  • Fenugreek to taste
  • Cumin to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground red pepper to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Cold water, 200 ml


Preparation process

Well, the preparation process starts with the beef, of course, and you should know, that usually those blini with meat is prepared with beef and not some other meat. So that, you should have that beef grind in your grinder, or you can already have it bought ground, so that it’s not that hard to prepare the blini with meat if you don’t have that grinder at your home. However, people usually like buying the fresh meat and grinding it afterwards. You can either have the meat ground in the markets, where you buy the fresh meat, or you can have that machine, which grinds meat at your home or you can just buy the beef already ground in supermarkets or somewhere else.

Well, after the beef problem solved, you can take the pork fat and grind it also and have it in another bowl, or if the fat is already processed, then you shouldn’t do anything else for it.

After that, you should peel and wash the onions and have some 200 grams of it chopped really well. You can use the chopper-blender for that, as I recommend it to everyone, because it’s a very easy thing to chop the onions in that chopper-blender, if you want to know the truth.

So that, when you chop the onions, you can have the pork fat put into the frying pan and have the  chopped onions added to it and cooked for a couple of minutes. Well, of course, you shouldn’t have the onions burned and since they get burned pretty easily, you should pay much attention to them and have them stirred occasionally during those couple of minutes. And you shouldn’t’ have the lid on the frying pan during that time.

Well, after a couple of minutes, you can have your ground beef added to the frying pan and cooked it like that, too. After some 10 or 15 minutes you can add the cumin and fenugreek and salt and ground red pepper and ground black pepper to the dish and 200 ml of cold water and continue cooking. Some people just add the ground black pepper to the meat, when it’s cooked in that frying pan.

So that, it’s the filling of the blini with meat and now you just need the crepes to be prepared so that you can have something to wrap this meat filling with.

The preparation of the crepes

So, now let me tell you about the preparation of the crepes, which are the essential part for the blini with meat dish.


  • All-purpose flour, 300 grams
  • Eggs, 3 medium
  • Water or milk, 500 ml
  • Oil, 100 ml
  • Salt to taste


Preparation process

So , first of all, you should whisk the eggs and add the half a litre of water to them. And then you should have your mixer turned on and mixed those two ingredients well together. I usually use my standing mixer, which is a great thing for things like that and it’s a very easy way to mix the ingredients that way, because you don’t have to have the mixer in your hands and mix those things together like that.

Well, then you should add the flour little by little, so that there won’t be that moment, when you use your mixer into some too much amount of flour and you get all white and covered with flour, you know.

You should also add some salt and that 100 ml oil and continue mixing everything.

In about 10 minutes, you should turn your mixer off and the dough is ready for your crepes.

You know, the dough should be soft and not thick. It should be a thick liquid, if you want to know the truth.

It’s recommended , that if you set the dough aside for about 15 minutes until you start baking it, so that the ingredients will assemble with each other well.

There are usually those frying pans, where you bake the crepes and those frying pans are especially made for baking the crepes, you know, so that people who usually bake the crepes have those frying pans at home, however, not many people have them at home in Georgia and they usually bake the crepes in those casual frying pans.

Anyways, most people don’t really use the oil on those frying pans, however, you can just sprinkle a little bit of oil just in the beginning of the baking and that’s it, you can start baking then.


You should pour one tablespoon of that dough on the frying pan and have it spread all over the frying pan. You should bake it on  a low heat. The crepe should be cooked on just one side and then you can take it out and put it on the table or a large plate or something like that, so that the baked side should be on top. Well, the other side should be dried, of course, however, you shouldn’t bake it on the frying pan yet.

You should continue doing those things, until you are out of the dough and you have baked all those crepes.

After that, you can start wrapping the meat fillings with the crepes. Of course, the crepes should be cold or warm, otherwise you will burn your hands, you know.

So that, you should take some small amount of meat filling and put it on the crepe on that baked side and then wrap the crepe around the meat filling.

When you have wrapped all those crepes and meat filling, then you can start baking them again, I mean, you can put them into oiled frying pan and cook them on every side of the Blinis. Then they are pretty much done and ready to be eaten.

You know, some people also add some rice to the meat filling and it’s more light to be eaten, I guess. some people like it that way, while others prefer there to be just ground beef and nothing else.

Well, if you don’t want to bake all those Blinis altogether, you can have them wrapped or something like that and put them into the freezer and have them frozen and then you can have them baked whenever you want to.

With this amount of ingredients, you should have about 50 Blinis with meat prepared, so that it’s pretty much plenty and you might want to store them for some time into the freezer and have them cooked from time to time. It’s a great thing for every occasion and it’s really worth preparing. And, besides, it’s meat, so that it’s pretty much healthy and it’s a good thing to have it with you on your way somewhere and have it eaten on breaks during work or something like that. People usually do that and they froze those blinis and then they take some of them out and cook them and have them with them in their bags or somewhere, so that when they get hungry, they can take them out and eat them and that way they don’t’ need to buy some things in bakeries or in fast food restaurants and waste too much money on some things, which you don’t even know what they are prepared of.

So that, prepare this dish and enjoy your cooking!

Blini with meat

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