Eastern Thoughts

flag- Michael Devlin — 0 people follow the author

Where East meets West. Travel & Culture.

Blog posts

  • Could Brexit spell for Progrexit?

    A Taiwanese friend recently asked me about my thoughts on Brexit. Here's the reply I gave to him... (and also a picture of us goofing about). May I have your opinion about the future after Brexit? What might it affect the British/European economy and life, and what...

    0 , in Erasmus news 7 years ago
  • Using Animals for Food & Fashion: A Look at Species Bias

    Why do we empathise with dogs but not pigs? Will it ever be acceptable to wear cats as fur? Is it okay to eat dolphins? By what margin are humans the most intelligent species? These are questions which force us to reflect on our species biases in food and...

    0 , in Erasmus news 7 years ago
  • Famine, Affluence & Morality in 2017

    In his seminal 1971 essay entitled 'Famine Affluence & Morality, Peter Singer outlined issues at the time regarding the then refugee crisis in Bengal, India. The aim of the text however is rather general and is supposed to be applicable to any current world disaster...

    0 , in Erasmus news 7 years ago
  • A (Brief) History Of British Club Culture in Politics

    There has been a long history of repression in regards to club culture in the UK, particularly in regards to the 90s ‘rave’ scene. The 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act was a wide-encompassing, contrasting legislation that covered various aspects of law,...

    0 , in Erasmus news 7 years ago

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