Catalan Cream

flag-it Emanuele Benetti — 6 people follow the author

In this blog I will try and give account of my 7-months period in Catalonia, including places, people, food and personal considerations

Blog posts

  • 13th December in Barcelona with Tàpies and St. Lucy

    My last trip to Barcelona before Christmas coincided with a day of double celebration: the 13th of December, indeed, is not only the day of Santa Llucia (Sant Lucy), but also corresponds to the birthday of Antoni Tàpies (as you will find out if you visit the Google...

    2 , in Erasmus blog Barcelona 11 years ago
  • 12th of October: Columbus Day (Día de la Hispanidad)

    If a week ago I was writing about the Spanish Constitution day, the heated debate about the independence of Catalonia which is going on in the last days, calls to my mind another national feast. The Columbus Day (Día de la Hispanidad) was celebrated on the 12th of...

    3 , in Erasmus blog Barcelona 11 years ago
  • Vilanova Half Marathon: -4

    Today, back home after the training session, a relaxing 10-kilometres run (I would have said "placid", but it does not seem to be a suitable adjective for a runner!) I could feel quite satisfied. The body had given me quite a positive feedback, leaving me under the...

    0 , in General 11 years ago
  • Spanish Cuisine #2: Pan con Tomate

    Source Despite having described a recipe with similar ingredients at #1, I could not help illustrating one of the most typical dishes, if not the dish par excellence of the Catalan cuisine. The Catalan name for "pan con tomate" or "pan tumaca" is "pa amb tomàquet",...

    2 , in Erasmus recipes 11 years ago
  • 6th December: Constitution Day

    As fortunately I have no lessons on Friday, the Spanish Constitution Day, celebrated every year on the 6th of December, might have gone by without affecting me very much. As a matter of fact, I thought it was worth spending a few time meditating on this peculiar...

    0 , in Erasmus news 11 years ago
  • Spanish Cuisine #1: Tostada with Sobresada

    I must confess that I really like eating, both when I am at home, where I can enjoy one of the best cuisines in the world, and when I have the possibility to try new things. Therefore, the period I am spending in Spain is also a very good opportunity to taste typical...

    4 , in Erasmus recipes 11 years ago
  • Food collection across borders!

    It has been a really pleasant surprise for me to find out that also here in Spain the last weekend of November is devoted to a really important initiative in favour of those who are in real need. As I was heading for the supermarket for a quick Saturday morning...

    0 , in Erasmus news 11 years ago
  • Berlusconi banned: time to celebrate for Italians?

    Right at the end of a week which has witnessed a probably historical turning point in the history of my country, I have decided to take ink and pen and start writing about my experience abroad. To be honest, it would be more correct to say that I have just turned on my...

    2 , in General 11 years ago
  • About EB

    At the age of 26, after achieving a degree in Foreign Languages at the University of Ferrara and a qualification in teaching Spanish which will probably prove useless (but that is another long, sad story), I decided to try my luck abroad. Thanks to the Comenius...

    1 , in General 11 years ago

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