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Erasmus Experience in Ankara, Turkey by Floren

Why did you choose to go to Ankara, Turkey?

Ankara was my third option. I though that it would be different to any other European country and that it was a country that was cheaper to live in.

Erasmus Experience in Ankara, Turkey by Floren


How long did the scholarship last? How much financial help did you receive?

My grant lasted 10 months, although almost all of the Erasmus experiences are for a semester. I got €2, 200.

What is the student life like in Ankara?

Ankara is very big so there are a lot of students, but there's not much of a student atmosphere there. It is not an Erasmus city. Our group that we always hung out in was only about 20 people.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Ankara to other students?

I would recommend it if what you're looking for is a totally different experience, to learn how other cultures live or if you're really interested in Turkey. I wouldn't recommend it for people looking for a typical Erasmus experience. If love Turkey but you want more of an Erasmus atmosphere, I would advise you go to Istanbul. Ankara is not that pretty.


What is the food like?

It's very good and very cheap. By the end you might be a bit tired of it because there's not too much variety but honestly the food is very good.

Was it difficult to find acommodation there?

Yes. The flats there don't want to rent to men or students. It was hard for us to find something because we wanted to live in Kizilay (the centre). You have to go through an agency and you have to pay the deposit and the monthly rent to them directly.

How much does it cost to live in Ankara?

Ankara is much less expensive than Spain to live in: especially the cost of public transport and the food. I lived off of €500/600 a month, but I travel a lot.

How did you get on with the language? Did you go to any courses at the university?

The language is difficult, I've learned a few words and I went to a course at the university, but you won't learn Turkish if you don't get to know any Turkish people.

What is the easiest or most inexpensive way to get to Ankara from your city?

From Spain, you'd have to fly from Madrid with Pegasus. I went from Almería to Málaga, from Málaga to Istanbul and then from Istanbul to Ankara.

Where would you recommend for a night out in Ankara?

"Passage", "Kite", "Bench", "Tweleve" and especially "Tunali".

And to eat in Ankara? What were your favourite places to go?

"Masabasi", "Aspava" in Kizilay, "The Bigos" in the Bahçelievler neighbourhood.

What is there to visit to experience the culture?

There's not a lot to visit. If I have to say one place, I'd say the mausoleum but Ankara is an ugly city.


Do you have any advice for future students in Ankara?

If you decide to come to Ankara, you have to bear in mind that it is not going to be a typical Erasmus experience when you get here. It's worth it to have the experience but I wouldn't choose to come here again. It's not a very pretty city to live in. I'd compare it to living in Spain in the 90s.

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