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Erasmus Experience in Ankara, Turkey by Camilo

Published by flag-tr Camilo Perdomo — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-tr Erasmus experiences Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Why did you choose to go to Ankara, Türkiye?

It was part of my study path, I chose Ankara because of the University, I studied in the Middle East Technical University (METU-ODTU) and it totally fulfilled my expectations.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I had to spend here about 6 months, I received 500 euro per month, It was enough for me, but I was lucky because I found accommodation with a former erasmus student, who charged me a very low fee for the accommodation. Otherwise it would have been harder, because typical rents are more expensive that I was paying, anyway, rent here in Ankara is not that expensive if search carefully.


What is the student lifestyle like in Ankara?

I certainly don't know for sure, in my experience is very challenging, you have to study a lot, midterm and final exams are quite hard. But if you have studied enough throughout the semester you'll be fine. Nevertheless there is always some time to do social life and those kind of stuff.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Ankara to other students?

Well, if you are not used to the lifestyle, you will find the first weeks hard ans annoying, once you get used to it, you'll find that Ankara is actually a (more or less) a well organized city. I can't speak about another universities, but METU is excellent.

What is the food like?

There is all kind of food, so, there is no problem finding what you like.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Ankara?

As I mentioned before, for me it was quite easy, but you should always ask for help at your university; and do some research in the web.

How much does it cost to live in Ankara?

With 400 euros per month, I think it is OK, you won't live with too much luxuries, but it is enough for accommodation, food, and transportation.


Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

I don't know, I heard there are courses on Turkish available at universities, but I didn't look for them. My taught modules were in English, so, I had no problem. I don't speak a word in Turkish, outside the university communication was so hard, I a lot of times I felt so upset and frustrated about that. I would advice to learn some Turkish before arriving Ankara.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Ankara from your city?

I had no choice, I had to take a flight, a very long flight because I come from South America, actually for economical reasons I had to take a flight that landed in Istambul, and from Istambul I took the train to Ankara, It was a nice trip.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Ankara?

I don't know, I didn't go out that much.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Ankara?

Don't know the names.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

Old city is quite beatiful

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Ankara in the future?

Exchange your money for Turkish Lira, do, as soon as possible, all the errands regarding your residence permit, try to find a place to live near your university. If your are going to live in Ankara during winter, get ready for a very cold weather.

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