Dorota Bazylczyk
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Dorota activity
It's been 12 days since I arrived in Rome. I met many interesting people, I discovered a beautiful places and I ate a delicious food. Today I decided to share with you my impressions and some photos! ;) During first few days in Rome I couldn't get used to this place...
Erasmus Rome 2013 / 2014 (English)
Hi ;) I just found out that on faculty Lettere e Filosofia it will be 1th of October
por Dorota en Erasmus forum Rome -
Erasmus Rome 2013 / 2014 (English)
Hi everyone ;) Do you know when classes on La Sapienza begin? Thanks for you answer ;)
por Dorota en Erasmus forum Rome -
20 years old student looking for a single room near La Sapienza
IL ANNUNCIO Sono una studentessa di Varsavia e a settembre cominciero un ERASMUS alla Universita Sapienza a Roma. Cerco una stanza signola garredata di affitare, possibilmente vicino all'Universita. La durata dell'Erasmus e da settembre a gennaio (incluso). Desidero...
in Roommates Rome, 11 years ago -
Erasmus Rome 2013 / 2014 (English)
Hi! I'm also going to La Sapienza for 2013/2014 !:) I'm from Warsaw;)
por Dorota en Erasmus forum Rome