Erasmusu Staff
Written 12 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Rome 2013 / 2014!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Rome in 2013 / 2014 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Rome, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Rome
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Rome
- The general forum for Rome
- The blog Erasmus Rome
- What to see in Rome, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Rome
- People who have been, are and will be in Rome
- A photo gallery of Rome
- The map and weather in Rome
- The universities in Rome
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Rome or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Rome.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
María Gancedo
Written 12 years ago
Hi guys,
I'll move to Rome at the end of the month but I havent'n found yet any accomodation near to my academy.
I'd like to living in some place between Nomentana Street and Bologna Square, or Tirburtina also!
Is anybody looking for a flatmate in one of these areas?
Pleeease contact me!
Bacii! ;))
P.S: I'm sorry for my "fantastic" English...!! xDD
Reylaura Cantave
Written 12 years ago
I am a femaile student looking for roommates or an apartment. I will be in Rome for one year to obtain my masters. Please let me know if you guys have anything available, or if you all want to get together to look for a place. Thanks!
reylaura3 at yah oo . com
Patrycja Pawińska
Written 12 years ago
sono una giovane studentessa polacca che cerca una camera in appartamento a Roma da Marzo fino a Luglio (programma ERASMUS) zona del foro Italico, Ponte Milvio , Corso Francia Flaminio, Piazzale Clodio, o Monte Mario.
Clara BD
Written 12 years ago
HI! We offer two beds in a spacious and beautiful room near the center, in Via Raffaele Cadorna, 10 min by foot to Termini, Castro Pretorio and Repubblica metro stations,15 min from Fontana di Trevi. The price is 350 each bed. The foto just shows half of thr room!! Add Julia Carraro O Clara Barret to facebook
Viivi Väisänen
Written 12 years ago
Violeta !! And others too. I just found out I'll be studying at LUMSA for the year 2013-2014 and couldn't be more excited! :)
Teresa Saez
Written 11 years ago
I'm a Spanish girl who study Biology in Valencia, I'm 22.
I'm going to Rome next year and I will be studying in Rome Tre, I'm looking for some flat and flatmates. I will be in Rome all year, since September to June aprox.
If someone want to look for a flat or need a flatmate please send me a private message.
Łukasz Babik
Written 11 years ago
I'm from Poland, I' will go to Rome for Erasmus at the end of Octomber or in the first week of September and I'm looking for flat and flatmates, becouse i think that it will be better to looking for a flat with some another students in the same situation.
Ciao Amici!
Isa Trinidad
Written 11 years ago
Hello! We are two Spanish girls, we're looking for a flatmate foreign to improve our english, each one is going to a university other than by what we want to look at a floor well connected if any interested to contact me
Francisco Ladron
Written 11 years ago
Ciao io sono Francesco, uno studente dalla Spagna e studiare il prossimo anno presso l'Università Roma Tre, qualcuno è interessato a condividere un appartamento vicino l'Università Roma Tre?
Dorota Bazylczyk
Written 11 years ago
Hi! I'm also going to La Sapienza for 2013/2014 !:) I'm from Warsaw;)
Philip Obaye
Written 11 years ago
wow great... what are you going to study??? i wanna study Pharmacy
Jonathan Bienvenue
Written 11 years ago
Hey guys,
i'm Jonathan from university of Montreal in Canada. I'm going to Rome in september 2013 for a semester and i am looking for a flat near the university. I will study at LUISS for 4 months. I speak french and english and i study the economics. I hope someone's gonna get my shout :p and then give me the chance to enjoy my time in Italy. :)
see u in september :)
Leaf Arbuthnot
Written 11 years ago
I'm on my Erasmus year and will be working in Rome for the whole of July. I really need accommodation - if any of you could email me, that would be great ! it's ea344 at cam (punto) ac (punto) uk .
Nazlıcan Cebeci
Written 11 years ago
Hi everyone!
I'm Nazlican from Turkey, Istanbul. I study political science and I'm going to La Sapienza for all year. I'm also looking for a flat near university.
See you soon :)
Nnaniki Kruizinga
Written 11 years ago
I'll be staying in rome from june till the end of september and I'll be doing my internship at Roma tre during this period.
Is there anyone in Rome already?
Laura Ortega
Written 11 years ago
I'm going to Luspio all the academic year (from September to June)!
I'm also looking for roomates :)