Erasmus experiences Amsterdam
Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by bernardo
What is it like to live in Ámsterdam? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? First, it is amazing. The ambience and people is really warm and different to everything. You can meet people from all over the world. What is the student lifestyle like in...
0 0 , 4 years ago -
An international city of charm, destination Amsterdam !
As part of my studies, I had to do a 5-month internship abroad. In accordance with what I wanted, I chose Amsterdam, Before the departure : choosing a place to live. What to do when you don't know anything about the country and the functioning of the city? I opted for...
0 0 , 4 years ago -
My experience of Amsterdam during Erasmus, Víctor
Why did you choose to go to Amsterdam, Netherlands? I basically like the North, and the cold weather. I always travel to North in Summer to run away from beaches. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I received 900€...
0 0 , 4 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Alessia
Why did you choose to go to Amsterdam, Netherlands? I was interested in a particular program of study at the UvA. Moreover, I would like to stay in a city. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? My scholarship is two...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Cristina
Why did you choose to go to Amsterdam, Netherlands? Because Amsterdam was the only capital city in my list of possibles destinationsHow long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? in Hogeschool Tio (my university) was 4 month...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by John
Why did you choose to go to Amsterdam, Netherlands? Love.How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? Actually not having an scholarship. Want to apply to study a degree or some vocational education still but it’s way too...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
One of the positives of being in Bremen is that there are lots of surrounding cities which are fantastic, and also, they are not too far away. One of the ones that I am going to talk to you about today is Amsterdam, capital of the Netherlands. We spent a whole weekend...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Experience in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, by Daikel
What's it like to live in Amsterdam? Would you recommend it? What's the city like? My experience, although short, was intense. It's a wonderful city, with its architecture and rhythm of life that casts a spell on you. You can live in a way that makes your senses come...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Amsterdam, Holland by Bárbara
Why did you choose to go to Amsterdam, Holland? Even though I hadn't been, it seemed like a good city to do Erasmus. They hadn't told me that it was a place with an incredibly free atmosphere, which ended up being true. The feeling of tolerance that exists, with topics...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Hello Amesterdam
Hello. Today i will talk about amesterdam and how etudiants lifes there.Amesterdam is a beautiful city, and the citizen are nice, the same for the Etudiants.the best univercities and the best professor's ,i love was a great experience , the best two years...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
A bit about me
Hello my name is Andrew, I’m 23, and a student at UVA studying French and history. My main interest is theatre and this is where I would like to end up! I spend most of my time outside of studies working at the theatre or doing acting. I also like rugby! I’m from...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Romeo
What is it like to live in Amsterdam? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Very entertaining city,which is diverse and liberal. if you are a free spirit this is a place to beWhat is the student lifestyle like in Amsterdam? Student life full of life .How much...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Ella
Why did you choose to go to Amsterdam, Netherlands? I knew I wanted something different for university after growing up in a really small village, and after attending the open day for the UvA I didn’t want to study anywhere else. How long is the scholarship? How much...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Mustika Larasati
Why did you choose to go to Amsterdam, Netherlands? I was accepted to enroll in the Erasmus Mundus Journalism programme and since the specialism that I chose was political journalism, I'm now enrolled at the University of Amsterdam.How long is the scholarship? How much...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Melissa
Why did you choose to go to Amsterdam, Netherlands? I wanted to improve my English, Dutch’s people are quite fluent in English.How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? 4 months and more than 4000Did it cost you to find...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
I went to Amsterdam with my friends by car. We wondered around the city a lot, we hung out at the restaurants and pubs. It is not so far away from Hannover. The weather was not so good but if you have genial friends; that is not a problem!
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Experience in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Sophie
What is it like to live in Amsterdam? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Amsterdam is a beautiful city full of positivity and different cultures. People from the Netherlands are very open minded e. g. Gaypride, drugs etc. Dutch people are also very direct,...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Jazz in Amsterdam
Hey folks, for any of you in Amsterdam and with a love for Jazz- and Livemusic: At Bimhuis is a free Jam session every Tuesday. It is called "Workshop & Rough Diamonds Series 2018". From 8pm on everybody who can play an instrument can join a guided Jazzsession. No...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Great city to visit as a tourist: rich of museums, discos and club where you can have great parties, but too crowded and cold to be considered a house (at least for me!) and also the cooking is not the best... I absolutely suggest to visit it during the tulip...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Working in Amsterdam
Finance In the Netherlands - Amsterdam in particular - most people are reliant on grants. I only received 350€ from my internship (in the Netherlands you shouldn't assume that you'll be paid for any internship) so I also received grants for study abroad programmes,...
0 0 , 6 years ago