Actividad de Chiara
Experience in the Technical Unversity of Darmstad, Germany by Jana
Generally speaking, how is the Technical University of Darmstadt? Professionally very good, and ambitious depending on the subject, from the Bachelor to the English PhD and/or international. How is the infrastructure? The TU is easily accessible by public transport, but...
Il miglior bar per studenti di Edimburgo
Come suggerisce il titolo: ecco tutto quello che dovete sapere sul miglior bar per studenti di Edimburgo. Ci ritroviamo sempre qui inconsapevolmente, al "The Tron", e non ci ho passato nessuna serataccia. Quindi, se siete ad Edimburgo, assicuratevi di venirci per...
Foto: Viaggio a Vestfirðir
Un sacco di cascate, scogliere, piscine termali, tanta pioggia e nebbia! Questo è un breve riassunto del nostro viaggio di quattro giorni nel Vestfirðir (con altri quattro studenti stranieri dalla Lettonia, Francia, Finlandia e Olanda), dai un'occhiata...
6^ settimana a Valencia
21 Agosto 2017 La sesta e penultima settimana a Valencia incomincia. Mi sono sistemato bene qui e mi sento a mio agio, la città sorprende me e mia moglie continuamente. È uno spasso uscire la sera e passeggiare per la città, che è pulita e ha alberi d'arancio che...
Experience in Bremen, Germany by Lisa
What is it like to live in Bremen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I don't live in Bremen. Source How much does it cost to live in Bremen? From where I live, I pay 400 all inclusive rent (Warm Miete: water, property tax, gas, electricity, and waste...
Experiencia en Tilburgo, Países Bajos de Annebelle
¿Qué te parece Tilburgo para vivir? ¿La recomiendas? ¿Cómo es? La ciudad es terrible. Hace frío y hay un mal ambiente. A parte de que está cerca de algunos lugares hermosos. Bolduque y Breda están a sólo 20/30 minutos del centro de la ciudad por tren. El...
Mexican Spanish vs Peruvian Spanish
When you step on Peruvian land, make sure you are prepared to learn to speak in Peruvian or your desire to have good communication (and at the same time really good friends) will be thwarted in the attempt. It'll be the funniest experience you'll ever remember. That's...
Erasmus Experience in Oradea, Romania, by Marie Constance
Why did you choose to go to Oradea, Romania? Actually I did not choose it, it was the only proposed city, and I do not regret it for a minute! How long is the scholarship? A year. What is the student lifestyle like in Oradea? Really great! The people are very friendly,...
Erasmus experience in Warsaw, Poland by Océane
Why did you choose to go to Warsaw, Poland? I have chosen Warsaw because I wished to specialize in the course of my studies in eastern Europe. Warsaw was the only city proposed in this region. Moreover, the price of living down there is really cheap, which is pretty...
Esperienza Erasmus a Eindhoven
Salve a tutti. Ho trascorso un semestre in Erasmus a Eindhoven e, ora che giunge al termine, vorrei dunque condividere con voi quest'esperienza. Architettura e paesaggi Eindhoven è conosciuta nei Paesi Bassi come la città della Philips, la compagnia che ha quindi...
"Erasmus-proof" love stories!
Introduction When you start thinking about pursuing a project, as important as it is time-consuming, at least from a relative -but normal- point of view, it necessarily presupposes a natural detachment from the context in which one used to live, whichever it may...
The Ring Road
Hello everybody! In this article I'm going to talk about the "Ring Road", in Icelandic "Hringvegur". This is the most beautiful road I have ever travelled on in my life and that is why I want to share with you some photos that I took while I was driving down in a Dacia...
Getting around Porto with local transport
How to get around Porto On foot Porto is a small city and everything is within reach, so probably if you are lucky enough to find a house in the centre (and you probably will as accommodation is not expensive! ), you can reach almost everything comfortably on foot! I...
Lumpia (Filipino Spring Rolls)
Today I am talking about a typical Filipino dish, very similar to the Chinese spring rolls: lumpia. Apparently they can be mistaken, but they are very different both for the filling and for the wrapper that envelops them, giving the typical shape of a roll. Source...
5 places in eastern Antioquia that you can not miss
Whether you are thinking of spending a few days in Colombia, or buying a house to reside temporarily or definitively in a real estate located in Oriente Antioqueño, there are certain places that are worth a visit in this Colombian region. An area that is becoming one...
Esperienza Erasmus a Stettino (Szczecin), Polonia, di Kiymet
Perché hai scelto di andare a Stettino, in Polonia? Avevo due possibilità ed una di queste era Stettino e l'università lì offre lezioni di inglese, quindi l'ho scelta. Quanto dura la borsa di studio? Quanti soldi ricevi come aiuto per le spese? 400€ al mese per un...
Padua, the perfect city for Erasmus
Padua is situated in the North of Italy, very close to Venice. Getting there by plane is one of the trickiest topic, since the good ones going to Venice are expensive, so you have to get to other airports such as Bologna, and then take the train. Anyway, trains in Italy...
Imparando ad usare i trasporti pubblici di Salonicco
Per spostarti in giro per Salonicco, l'unico mezzo di trasporto esistente sono i bus. Al momento la metropolitana è in costruzione, ma ci vorrà molto tempo prima che possa essere finalmente pronta. Fino ad allora, gli abitanti di Salonicco continuano ad usare i bus...
Experiencia en Salerno, Italia, de Luigipaolo
¿Cómo es vivir en Salerno?, ¿Lo recomendaría? ¿Cómo es la ciudad? Salerno es mi ciudad, donde nací y crecí también. Recomiendo vivir allí sobre todo en verano. Podrás vivir en una bella ciudad, con mucha gente hermosa, y al mismo tiempo estarás cerca de los...
Meet Salerno
Salerno is my native city, and despite our love-hate relationship, after two Erasmus abroad, I really think it's a great city where you can spend your Erasmus year abroad, because life isn't expensive and it's situated near one of the most breathtaking sceneries of...
Erasmus experience of Blanca in Salerno, Italy
Source Why did you choose to go to Salerno, Italy? I was advised by a friend. How long does the scholarship last? How much financial support do you receive? 9 months, 600 euros per month. How is the student life in Salerno? It's concentrated, more or less, in the...
Esperienza Erasmus di Tarang a Rostock, in Germania
Perché hai scelto Rostock, in Germania? Perché Warnemünde (che è una grande spiaggia) è proprio lì a Rostock. Fonte Com'è la vita studentesca a Rostock? È una città completamente a misura di studente, infatti ne è piena, quindi tutti lì possono sentirne il...
Erasmus in Leicester
What is it like to live in Leicester? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? This city has a pretty (small) city center, there are several pubs and clubs, a market and two shopping malls. If you like multicultural backgrounds, then Leicester is the right...
Meet Salerno
Salerno is my native city, and despite our love-hate relationship, I really think it's a great city where to spend Erasmus experience, because life isn't expensive and it's situated near one of the most breathtaking scenery of Italy: Amalfitan Coast. Moreover teachers...