Natacha activity
Clock tower
Prague. I was in that city three years ago, and what a city! There was great food, beautiful monuments, buildings, places, etc. I visited the city in 10 days, but it wasn't enough. Yes, you can see the city in less than 10 days, but to visit it....not even joking. It's...
Experiencias en la Universidad de Perugia, Italia por Muntaha
Generalmente, ¿cómo es la Universidad de Perugia? Es un lugar calmado y quieto. No es muy costoso, como la Ciudad de Erasmus ¿Cómo son las facilidades? Las facilidades de comidas son agrdables. ¿Cómo son los tutores? La mayoría son asombrosos. El problema es qué...
¿Es bueno comer afuera en Bonn? ¿Nos podrías indicar tus lugares favoritos? Calador pizza cerca de la estación central Lugar griego de comida rapida en Pützchen El restaurante Vapiano Antipasti cerca de Godesberg ¿Es la vida nocturna buena en Bonn? ¿Dónde es...
Experience in San Juan, Puerto Rico by Natacha
What is it like to live in San Juan? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? When you live in San Juan the people and the experience is overall something different. The people are so nice and they try to show you around, most importantly they're very friendly...
22 year old girl looking for two bedrooms in Madrid
Hey! I'm a 22 year old girl from Puerto Rico looking for accommodation for a friend (girl) and me. I will be attending the Complutense University during the second semester of 2016-2017, in the Faculty of Biology. I am sociable, friendly and outgoing and love to meet...
in Roommates Madrid, 8 years ago