Kiara Whelan
- Current city:
- Toulouse
- City of birth:
- Pietermaritzburg
- Host university:
- Home university:
Kiara activity
Experience in Toulouse, France by Manon
How do you find living in the city of Toulouse? Do you recommend it? How is the city? Living in Toulouse is great! Like all the big cities the rent prices are a bit high but nothing worrying. You need to know the good neighbourhoods and the places for doing your grocery...
Experience in Toulouse, France by Yann-Ange
How do you find living in the city of Toulouse? Do you recommend it? How is the city? Simply great! There is an enormous amount of students, the city is very young and really festive... and that Toulouse accent... For studies in France, it is difficult to find better....
Experience in Toulouse, France. By Nelly
How do you find living in the city of Toulouse? Do you recommend it? How is the city? A very pleasant city, lots of things to see and for going out. I recommend it. How is the student life in Toulouse? Very good, very student-friendly city and very festive. Many bars...
Experience in Toulouse, France. By Anna
How do you find living in the city of Toulouse? Do you recommend it? How is the city? It's a really cool and really pleasant city. How is the student life in Toulouse? The work environment is ideal in TOULOUSE thanks to the many libraries and the many gardens that are...