julia perrotey

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flag-fr France
flag-lt Lithuania

flag- julia perrotey

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julia activity

  • Experience

    Erasmus Experience in Kaunas, Lithuania by Julia

    Why did you choose to go to Kaunas, Lithuania? I choose Kaunas because of the University of Technology and its master programme. Moreover, I have never gone to the Baltic Countries, and I thought it was a great opportunity. Source How long is the scholarship? How much...

  • Experience

    Experience in Rennes, France by Julia

    What is it like to live in Rennes? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I recommend Rennes to study (and student life too). It is a lively city, with its traditions, but it's still modern. Source What is the student lifestyle like in Rennes? Rennes is a...

  • Roommate

    Two french students, looking for accomodation in Kaunas

    We are two french students who will study at KTU in Kaunas My name is Julia and I m 21 years old and my friend is called Quentin, he is 23 years old. We are looking for accomodation in Kaunas (at least two bedrooms), not far from KTU. We are serious and quiet students,...

    in Roommates Kaunas, 9 years ago

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