Hadeel Bassam

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flag-it Italy
flag-jo Jordan
flag-us United States
West Jordan

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Hadeel activity

  • Place

    Lago Di Como

    December in Como Well, I went to como the first time in december and it was magnificent, I remember the weather was so cold that day, we were freezing but that didn't stop us from exploring the place, we went in a boat tour around the lake, we saw many places and...

  • Roommate

    An Erasmus student and her friend looking for an accommodation

    Hello me and my friend are looking for a flat with two single bed rooms , or even a double room with a good price and a good facilities , including internet , washing machine , heat ..etc. we are a nice girls and easy going , please who find a suitable thing for us...

    in Roommates Pavia, 11 years ago

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