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Experience in Vienna, Austria by Cosima

Published by flag-at Cosima Biela — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-at Erasmus experiences Vienna, Vienna, Austria

What is it like to live in Vienna? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

I am originally Austrian and grew up in Vienna and surrounding. I would definitely recommend living in Vienna because it is a clean city with a lot of history and culture. Many common painters are from Austria, so there is quite a lot to see. There are many parks and green places which are really nice for sunny days and meeting friends.


What is the student lifestyle like in Vienna?

It very common in Austria to meet friend for a coffee, in an old fashioned "Kaffeehaus". There a quite a lot options to be with friends for free like in "Burggarten", "Stadtpark", "Museumsquatier" etc.

How much does it cost to live in Vienna?

The living costs totally depend on where you stay and how many people. I lived during my whole time in Vienna with my parents.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Vienna is really well known for the "Wiener Schnitzl", some main dishes are sweet like "Marillenknoedel" and "Palatschinken" which I really love.

What places would you recommend visiting in Vienna?

On my first day in Vienna, I would go to the first district, "Staphansplatz" and "Schoenbrunn" which is a really nice castle a bit outside where you can relax and meet friends.

Is it good to eat out in Vienna? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

There are many nice spots at "Schwedenplatz" where you can find everything, here are as well most of the clubs and bars.


Is the nightlife good in Vienna? Where is good to go?

The are many totally different areas to go out, there is something for every music taste.

here are some names of clubs:

  • Passage
  • Volksgarten
  • Platzhirsch
  • S club

What advice would you give future students heading to Vienna?

Explore also the surrounding, it a great city :D

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