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Experience in Valencia, Spain by Stefania

Published by flag-ro Stefania Cîrlea — 9 years ago

0 Tags: flag-es Erasmus experiences Valencia, Valencia, Spain

What is it like to live in Valencia? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

I am studying Translation in Valencia and I live here for 3 years. It is quite a nice city. Neither very big nor little. I like Valencia because it is not full of people (besides in summer time) and also because of it's atmosphere. I think it is a city worth to visiting and living here a few months. Concerning my recommendations... the university of Valencia is quite good, most of teachers are outgoing and friendly, so if you want to have a nice experience, Valencia would be a good option.

What is the student lifestyle like in Valencia?

Prices are cheaper than in other cities from Spain or the rest of Europe; students, above all the ones who study languages are very outgoing and want to meet new people so you can make friends easily; if you like party you can go out from wednesday till sunday. Clubs are all these days open, and discos just at weekends.

How much does it cost to live in Valencia?

As I said before, is quite cheap comparasing with other cities from Spain. 300€/month are enough to have a good living.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Valencia? Is there any advice you can give?

Not really. Most of students share flats because it is the cheapest way. The avarage room in a flat is around 200€. My advice would be to start looking for a flat in summer cuz then you have more options to choose between.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Spanish food in general is delicious. Tortilla de patatas, paella, fideua, worth to being tasted.

What places would you recommend visiting in Valencia?

El Carmen (catedral, estació de nord, basilica, forum, mercado), el museo San Pio V, oceanográfico, Sagunto (a village near Valencia), etc.

Is it good to eat out in Valencia? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

In Valencia you can find lot of typical places but not only of spanish food but also of japanese, muslim, turkish, corean. If you like tasting new types of food I would strongly reccomend the restaurant Fuji and Aljuzama. (Pont de la peineta and Plaza Xativa).

Is the nightlife good in Valencia? Where is good to go?

Valencia is defined by its parties. I prefer going out to the clubs of Aragon (Nikana, Walk About, Caribeeans) but there are also some discos which are not bad at all but the entry is quite expensive (between 10-15€) like Mia, Le premier, Animas, etc.

What advice would you give future students heading to Valencia?

Just enjoy it! Go party, travel, eat, meet people, study and profit this unique experience!

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