Beware of Happy Erasmus Valencia
Helo people!
I have to tell you what is happening with my friends and I on our Happy Erasmus programme... We're doing an Erasmus in Valencia in the Facultad de Filologia.
We have seen on the Internet that Happy Erasmus works together with the University and it is also stated on the website that they are the official Erasmus organization in Valencia.
On the website, Spanish courses are also available and we of course quickly acted upon this price (120€ for a 2 week course). We forwarded on our information through e-mail but unfortunately received no answer. The day after our arrival we went to the Erasmus office which was closed due to technical problems. We still had no response to our email. After 1 month we received an answer per email but then we had already found another course (also looked at other more expensive courses). Other Erasmus students then told us that Happy Erasmus is fake. On their site it says that they are in correspondence with the Cervantes Institute Standard and that was not true!
We were in touch with the ESN Valencia Upv office and they believed that one ought to be careful! Sunny Erasmus has nothing to do with the University in Valencia.
The SIM cards for the mobile phones which they sell are a complete rip off, the rates that they promise do not match the actual prices. Just leave it, if you pay you are stupid!
If you want a good tip:
Beware of Happy Erasmus!
It's not an official organization and the offers from them are a total rip offs!
Kind regards,
Content available in other languages
- Deutsch: Vorsicht bei Happy Erasmus Valencia!!
- Español: Cuidado con Happy Erasmus Valencia!!
- Italiano: State attenti a Happy Erasmus Valencia!!
- Türkçe: Dikkat: Valensiya'da "Happy Erasmus"
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Comments (1 comments)
Is there any organization in Valencia that organizes trips for Erasmus students? Besides from this fake Happy Erasmus?