Heading to a Turkish bath? Here are ten things you should know before you go

I am of the firm belief that everyone should go to a Turkish bath (or ‘hammam’, as the locals call it) at least once in their life. It’s the sort of thing that will pick you up as much as it calms you down, giving you a whole new sense of confidence, while helping to ease the pent-up tension in your muscles. The whole experience can, however, be a little daunting for a first-timer – if you’ve read the seventh article in my ‘Touring Turkey’ series, you’ll know that I certainly had my qualms before going to the Kadırga Hamamı in Istanbul. To put your minds at ease, then, I have come up with a list of ten things you should know before your own Turkish bath debut.



There are a lot of tourist traps out there

Turkish baths are one of the things that visitors to the country are most curious about, and those who run them are certain of this. As a result, there are a lot of tourist traps out there, and these are often the places that hotels and hostels are asked to advertise. It is, then, better to do a bit of independent research, and to remember, as you look around, that things are a lot cheaper in Turkey than they are in Western Europe.

250 TL (less than 42 EUR) is not a bargain: it’s a rip-off (unless, of course, you’re going to a really fancy place, and getting multiple treatments). It’s a much better idea to go somewhere cheaper and more authentic: my whole experience (sauna plus scrub plus foam massage) cost under 100 TL (over 16 EUR), and was totally wonderful.

Evening is the best time to go

Evening is, for many reasons, the best time of day to visit a Turkish bath. It will be a bit more crowded (peak hours tend to be between 5 and 8 p. m. ), but you won’t have to worry about missing out on any sightseeing since most tourist attractions will have closed by then anyway. What is more, you’ll probably feel so drowsy after your hammam experience that the rest of your day will be a bit of a write-off anyway: better, then, to have this period of relaxation coincide with your bedtime!



Men and women will be separated

Couples: you’re going to have to love and leave each other for this activity! While some more tourist-oriented baths may offer joint massages, most authentic places will require men and women to separate. The reason for this will become clear when you read my next point…

You’ll probably be starkers

That’s right: if you want to bathe like the Turks, you’re going to have to strip off completely! This concept may fill you with dread – it certainly did me! – but there really is nothing to worry about. Everyone will be in the same boat, and if anything, trying to cover up will just make you stick out like a sore thumb. (Having said that, if you really aren’t comfortable with being in the nude, you will usually be allowed to keep underwear on. ) Embrace the novelty of the experience, and enjoy the newfound freedom!

You don’t have to prepare your body in any way

Women especially may be slightly worried before going to a Turkish bath about how their body looks. To shave or not to shave? That is the question. Well, truth be told, you can do whatever you like. There is no wrong way to go about things, and certainly no one is going to judge you for your own personal decisions. It is worth bearing in mind, however, that things like exfoliating scrubs will be slightly painful if hairs are being tugged on at the same time. What is more, depilation is actually a bit of a religious ritual among Muslim women, so if your aim is to blend in, this is probably the way to go.



Nobody cares what you look like

It’s really not worth getting het up about how your body looks, however, because I promise you that no one else is going to give a hoot. Your fellow bathers will be far too busy feeling self-conscious about themselves to even notice you, and even if they are more confident, they’re definitely not going to start ogling other people in the room.

Foam massages are the best thing ever

If there’s one treatment you need to try out, it’s the foam massage. Not only does the whole thing feel absolutely sublime, but also the bubbles will do wonders for your stiff muscles. Pretty much all baths offer this service, so be sure to include it on your list. You can thank me later!

You’ll need to tip your masseurs

It’s really important to tip your masseurs, especially if you’re visiting a less expensive hammam. Some will actually ask you straight up for your extra coins; others will be slightly less forward, but will certainly still be expecting something from you. Tip generously – between 10% and 20% – and you should be good to go!



The experience will leave you feel amazingly liberated

Walking out of my first ever Turkish bath, I felt like a new woman. Not only was I now squeaky clean, but also, I had a new sense of achievement and liberation. I’d started off feeling terribly timid – wondering if I’d actually have the guts to remove my towel for my massage – but had ended up feeling perfectly comfortable having everything on display. It was as if I’d unlocked a bit of hidden self-confidence.

If you have a lot of insecurities about your physical appearance, going to a Turkish bath is a great idea. Not only will you realise that you’re the only one who cares about how you look, but also, through massages and other treatments, you’ll come to realise that your body is not primarily there to appeal to others, but to bring satisfaction to you.

You’ll be dying to go back

Turkish baths are one of those things you just won’t be able to get enough of: once you’ve experienced one, you’ll be aching to go back and try another (and will no doubt be encouraging all your friends and relatives to do the same). Your bank balance may not thank you for this, but your body certainly will!



Try it out for yourself!

Tempted? Head to Turkey soon, and try out this wonderful experience for yourself! You’ll be able to wave goodbye to all those niggling aches and pains, and say hello to relaxation and newfound self-confidence. Have a fantastic time, and remember: no bath is complete without a foam massage!

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