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live in thessaloniki

Published by flag-de kiriakos mandas — 10 years ago

1 Tags: flag-gr Erasmus experiences Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

hello my name is the Lord's and I'm willing to help people who are looking for the first time information on accommodation in Thessaloniki:-)I am an active volunteer in many programs and I like to help citizens:-)Greece is known for its hospitality since ancient times still is much easier to find a house in Thessaloniki para to Athens simply want to know a few Learn to town

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Comments (1 comments)

  • flag-pt Leila Do Vale 10 years ago

    Hi! Im a law student from Coimbra (Portugal) and I would to know as much informations as I can about Erasmus in thessaloniki law school. Cost of living, teaching language, acommodation, entretainment, city, facilties (speacially with grades), etc.
    Thank you!

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