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Erasmus Experience in Rennes, France by Stijn

Published by flag-be Stijn D'hondt — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Rennes, Rennes, France

Why did you choose to go to Rennes, Francia?

I wanted to improve my French.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

4 months. Around 1300 euros (335/month).

What is the student lifestyle like in Rennes?

Life is less 'random' here, compared to f. e. Belgium or southern countries. One is supposed to stick to the rules.

Actually, you can kind of compare it to high school in Belgium: you should go out at the weekends, be productive for the rest of the week.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Rennes to other students?

If you want to learn French, Rennes is one of the best choices. You get a lot of benefits like free French courses, cheap housing possibilities, cheap food, etc. Furthermore, it is kind of a prestigious university in France, though the level cannot be compared to any Belgian university.

If you want to party all week though, you should go to southern countries and stay away from France. For a whole year, I think Paris is a better choice (I only went for one semester).

What is the food like?

Brittany does have a particular culture, food habits included. Crêpes, gallets, and cidre are regional products you should try. They have tons of other restaurants as well.


Downside: practically no fries to be found except with kebab.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Rennes?

No. I took a room in a résidence universitaire. The International Relations Office made the demand. Be prepared for a tsunami of bureaucracy, though.

How much does it cost to live in Rennes?

Cost of housing is practically zero if you take a room in a résidence universitaire (238 euros). Cost of living (food, drinks, etc. ) is higher than in Belgium though restaurants are cheaper (15-20 euros for a basic menu). I guess it depends where you come from.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

Yes, though you really have to make an effort to speak French, considering most people from Erasmus speak English. I can recommend the pub multilangue every Monday evening at the O'Connells Irish pub. There you're supposed to speak multiple languages (French, English, German... ).

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Rennes from your city?

Probably train, though it varies from time to time. I live in Bruges so it wasn't that hard to get there by car either. There are a lot of Péages though (tax to use the road).

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Rennes?

If you live in résidence universitaire Beaulieu, you should check out the parties at Beaulieu INSA every Wednesday. Cheap booze and good atmosphere. If you simply want to get a drink, you should go to Place Sainte Anne (the heart of the city center) or Rue de la Soif (next to Sainte Anne).



If you want to party, you should check out the "bars de nuits". There are about 10-20 bars like that in Rennes. They stay open till 3 o'clock though can be kind of expensive. On thursday, friday and saturday night you can also go to the Pym's or L'espace. They are discotheques that stay open until the morning. They are very expensive though (14 euros entrance, 11 for a beer).

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Rennes?

Go eat a crêpe/gallet. Don't necessarily search for a restaurant in the city center, but be sure to check out the restaurants between Place de la République and Place Charles de Gaulle. They are often cheaper and less crowded.

What are good cultural sites there to visit?

There are a lot of squares in Rennes. And some cathedrals as well. You should take the city tour. They have a pretty decent tourist office.

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Rennes in the future?

Go to the welcome parties. Visit places in the neighborhood like Saint-Malo, Nantes, Mont-Saint-Michel... Don't worry about the exams; they're a joke. Just study about 3 weeks in advance, and you won't experience any trouble (I'm a law student, but heard about the same thing from other people).


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