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Erasmus Experience in Rennes, France by Lau

Published by flag-es Lau S — 6 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Rennes, Rennes, France

Why did you choose to go to Rennes, France?


  1. French Language.
  2. Cheaper than the capital or bigger cities.
  3. I was advised it was a good place to do an Erasmus.
  4. Not that far from Spain.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

4 months. Around 300 € per month, but I received it very late (the first pay at the end of my Erasmus, the last 1 year after).

What is the student lifestyle like in Rennes?

Crazy! A lot of party, many things to do, a lot of young and international people, culture, entertainment.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Rennes to other students?

Definitely! Rennes joins all the characteristics to be a good place to do an Erasmus. Young life, small city with the possibility to meet a lot of people, the smallest city in Europe with metro...

Nevertheless, my university was ESC Rennes, not University of Rennes. ESC is an awesome place for Erasmus. Not very difficult, cool facilities, a lot of help and many, many events (please, dont miss the student club and the free gym, you won't find it anywhere else). As far as I know the University of Rennes was not that cool in that sense but still OK.

What is the food like?

Very good! Specialties from "la Bretagne Française". Just awesome.

Also there is a cheap alternative: student restaurants where you can have lunch for 3 euros and there are many different options to choose (all of them with a lot of quantity).

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Rennes?

Not at all, it was given by my University. As I said before ESC helps a lot in all those senses. I would recommend to ask for advise to the university of destiny and look for it with a lot of anticipation.

How much does it cost to live in Rennes?

350 €/month. I got one of those residences granted by the State so I only spent 150€ in accommodation, 100 food and 100 in "others"

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

For Spaniards French is very easy.

In ESC there are free French courses (3 hours per week)

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Rennes from your city?

From Madrid you can either get a flight to Paris and a train to Rennes (may be around 120... ) or a bus from the center of Madrid to the center of Rennes which costs around 100€ (14 hours more or less).

There is an airport in Rennes but prices are too expensive.


Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Rennes?

Rue de la Soif.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Rennes?

Yes, any creperie in Saint Anne or the center of the city. Ask for a Galette complète.


What good cultural sites are there to visit?

Opera, la mairie. But the ones I really recommend, which I found special and really charming are: Parc du Thabord and of course Le marché des Lices every Saturday morning.

Also I would recommend to visit La Bretagne (St Michel, St Maló, Fougers). Awesome places.


Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Rennes in the future?

Enjoy it to the fullest, meet a lot of people and do not miss any plan. Erasmus is only once!

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