Travel was my therapy against depression
During my PhD studies period, I faced a lot of difficulties due mainly to a huge lack of materials and good assistance, I went through a long period where I did not do anything in the lab and I was waiting for the reagents endlessly, without hope and in very difficult conditions as waiting something that will never happen. In the view of all these inconvenients, I had the possibility as being from the first ranked student to have a scholarship aboard but I did not have enough courage to go for the big adventure. Many things were not encouraging me including some people that did not have the faith that a girl alone could make it and that it is better to wait for something better. I had huge depression with many bad thoughts I spent a period where my psychological state deteriorated very fast and my only rope of surviving was at that point the travel. As I was accepted in traineeship period in Portugal, it was the first time travelling for me and probably one of the most wonderful and amazing experience ever. It is advisable for many people wanting to travel to any part in the world and having high ambitions and facing poeple saying that they can not make it or they don't have the required qualifications to avoid them totally and to go through their dreams and fulfill all their ambitions without seeing in their back. The travel was for me a real therapy way better than medications prescriptions and other therapeutical ways mainly clinically. My first experience in the plane was aweful, as much hopes were high as much fear can let you think it was a bad choice. The weather suddenly changed to be cloudy with much wind and the huge late in the airport we were already suffering for hours, it was really impressive the precious moment of going inside the plane and knowing the weather was not good so a mixed feeling of excitement and fear goes into the body and implicate a bunch of weird sensations. At that point we experienced the first lift off where my heart beat began to go so fast, my eyes where closed in the time the plane was moving in very fast way and we could feel ourselves like birds in the first time reaching the seventh sky. Travels especially in European countries could offer me an exceptional joy, feelings that I did not really feel before and very good exchange with poeple from different countries and culture. Travels can have many purposes in fact, such as to visit parents and friends, support and help people in human associations, test and develop physical habilities, travel offered me also the best gifts by meeting new friends and develop new connections with them, it helped me also for a better knowledge of my myself, my abilities, my hidden talents in using a GPS in a totally different region while being totally desorientated. Travels allow also in my personal point of view to increase the knowledge about other cultures that we used to see only in TV , it can also open the doors to learn a new language and increase the professional experience and capacities to better find jobs in the area of that language. In my opinion, my travel allowed me to be cured totally of any psychological tiredness, it also allowed me a free therapy much more stronger than any antidepressive medications or very heavy treatments that is the reason I chose travels as a vocation, now I never sto planning travels each time in a new place each time in a new country and allowing by this way to forget all the bad times and smile for a new world of discoveries. Because in fact, the world is amazing, it is full of huge discoveries and enriched by very good knowledge and differences in cultural and sociological aspects. Poeple must therefore have the motivation to evaluate and to travel as much as they can since they are still young in age this is by the way my strategy which is enjoy the youth by travelling before we get more older and not find enough muscle straight to walk around cities kilometres.
In fact beside age, most of the poeple think that the travels are very expensive and they can not really afford them while they did not really knew how to manage their budget in the right way such as for example, they could calculate the price of the food and the nutrition based on the economic state of the country for example in Portugal a delicious ice cream with chocolate costs 1,80 euros while the same incecream cost 8 euros in Paris, the difference is the price the quality is there for the two products but we can enjoy much more when we spend less and we experience more things.
Travels constitute for me a way to escape from the reality of things a way to find myself and discover my hidden capacities as it seems really amazing to experience adventures and to taste to new flavours that we never knew before, by travels we can also help people by participating in the humanitary and volunteer work it seems that the feelings are even changed, we feel more delight more happiness and more joy when we find out that we helped handicapped children to learn new activity when we donate in the charity programs and help older people also to do some activities that would help them recovering their memory and build a world of happiness and success.
The travels allow me to create new connexions with poeple that I even did not establish before in my home land this is really surprising all differences in culture and in history become erased and vanished only matter the qualities of respect, cooperation, harmony, real friendship and confidence , I could really during my adventures with my friends go with them to the end of the world nothing would at that time stop me and we could help each other in many ways and we went to discover do much great places together.
I remember also one incident about the friendship established aboard, one night I remember that I had a dinner with my beloved friends and we were loughing and talking about great adventures in our respective homes and we talked a lot about many things like going to the cinema together and doing plans for futur travels together but suddenly I forgot totally the time of my last train depart to Porto that was exactly 11:50 pm, the train alread departed from the station and there was no way to catch it, so it was at that time impossible for me to go back home by public transportation and my friend did not have enough money to even put extra fuel in the car in a very noble perspective to help me, the friends are really so previous at the most important moments and when we feel really in trouble, they helped me a lot and then the friends of my friends came to help and they borrowed us the money needed for the car and my friend assured my transport until i reached the infront door of my room , this was a prove that without a doubt poeple we meet aboard can be found in the most dangerous and unexpectable moments even more that those who were sharing with us a part of our childhood, or even the poeple we grown up with.
Travels is recommanded to create these amazing links with poeple from everywhere in the world, i could also in exchange invite them also in my hometow and they were really treated like princes because they deserved so much my big care and attention, we went everywhere to the amusement park where we had great time playing with the most amazing and crazy games, i could show them also the capital where i always lived, the different monuments and we had the best lunches in the most great restaurants like tunisian ones and also the turkish ones to see the diversity we had and the contribution of other cultures in increasing the awareness, the knowledge and the culture needed to establish a greater personality and a better relations with poeple in the future. Some poeple could even find jobs after their internship period, they fall in love with the city and decided to reside permanently there by having a decent job and by creating new relationships and new environnemet of work, all these conditions allow poeple to live better and increase their quality of life and culture. Poeple must in my opinion always organise travels with each other expecially to spend the holidays, and discover there are countries like for example turkey that can be visited without visa, without the need of an extra fee to the application process and where the local currency cost seven times less than the tunisian dinars and about ten times less than the euro so any european family wanting to visit it would not spend so much money in other european countries while they could enjoy an amazing travel in these countries and assure cheaper opportunities.
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