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Feel at Home in Porto!

Published by flag-br Maria Seewald — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-pt Erasmus experiences Porto, Porto, Portugal

It's been 10 days since I arrived in Porto, Portugal to study. I've came from Brazil, and, at first, I was curious about how the Portuguese people would treat me.

Gladly, they have been fantastic hosts since my first minutes here in Portugal. Beggining with Lisbon airport - Since I was bringing my dogs, I thought that it would be complicated to enter with them. But it ended up being easy (also because I had all their documents organized). But they were helpful, offering help with the dogs and everything.

In Porto I found people very friendly. Everywhere I've stopped by (petshop, restaurants, coffee shops, markets... ) they tried to help me out (for example, looking on google for the places when I was lost, helping me find directions... ) and specially by smiling all the time - It is like Brazil, everybody is so nice and friendly.

And just a curiosity, it is common that they touch your arm or hand while they talk to you, and I found this very friendly also.

And here they have a lot of bakeries! Ahh they are awesome! I love eating there because I really feel at the bread's paradise. The Portuguese are famous about their food and speacially about their breads, cakes and sweets and now I know why. Also it is not expensive to eat here. I've been spending about 2 to 3 Euros for breakfast (coffee and milk and something to eat, like a croissant, a cake or a sandwich).

The weather also have been great, sunny almost everyday in this time of the year (October), warm during the day and not very cold in the evenings.

I reccomend Porto for all the Erasmus students that are willing to travel and know a new culture in a safe and friendly place.

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