Experience in Paris, France by Sarah
What is it like to live in Paris? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?
Living in Paris is a unique experience. Its is something very new for me i am from Ecuador and the life over there is very different. There is so much to do, like they say its a city that never rests. It is very easy to get from one place to another, take the bus,the metro or RER and you'll be wherever you want in a short time. Te architecture is very nice, the food is amazing, night life is never boring and you can never have in of entertainment there is so much to do specially visiting museums. Paris is not cheap but with the time you know where and what to spend.
What is the student lifestyle like in Paris?
As a student i can say that it is not always easy. Specially when there are problems with the bank, papers or the phone companies. But then the rest is very easy. Like i said before the transportation is very good you can move all around paris. There is so much to do, new experiences and new people. In paris there are so many students from different countries it is very interesting to get to know other cultures.
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
Well as a student you can't afford going out to eat every day, but from time to time specially weekends going out for munch or a diner is really nice. With the time met places where the food is delicious and not expensive. My favorite food is Chinese and Japanese and there are a lot of places around paris that hace that food.
What places would you recommend visiting in Paris?
I recommend to go to the different museums in the Louvre, Palais De Tokyo, Versailles ( outside Paris but beautiful), Parque Monceau, Parque Buttes Chumont. I could name hundred of places because for me every place i go is very nice and interesting.
Is it good to eat out in Paris? Can you tell us your favourite spots?
A very good Chinese restaurant is in Belleville called Le president.
Is the nightlife good in Paris? Where is good to go?
There are so many clubs and bar around paris you only have to find the best one for you. There are good night clubs around Champs Elysees.
What advice would you give future students heading to Paris?
If you are planing to study in paris organize everything very well, look for accommodations before coming. Have all your papers. And when you are here the first thing to do is go to the bank if you are opening an account. The Phone companies are complicated so do it early . Just do everything with time so you don't have to worry about it when you start class.
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