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Experience in Paris, France by Maxine

Published by flag-us Maxine Nelson — 11 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Paris, Paris, France

What is it like to live in Paris? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It is quite invigorating to live in Paris. Every moment is a wonderful challenge. There are people from all walks of life here. Nearly every building is gorgeous and rich with history. Numerous parks offer relaxing breaks from the exhausting city with endless stairways. It’s easy to get around using buses, trams, and the metro, but it’s just as easy to get lost. I would recommend living here, but it is cold and expensive! And there are so many pickpockets everywhere. People on the street aren’t as helpful as in other large cities, especially when they know you aren’t Parisian. Overall, it is one of the most-visited cities for a good reason: its breathtaking beauty.

What is the student lifestyle like in Paris?

Each class is often once a week for 3 hours. Many museums/attractions are free for students in Paris (if you have a passport!) There is not really a dorm/greek-life in Paris (to my understanding).

How much does it cost to live in Paris?

A lot of money!

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Paris? Is there any advice you can give?

I went through a program with my school.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

I'm gluten-free, so I prefer getting my own food from Naturalia and Carrefour and cooking my own meals.

What places would you recommend visiting in Paris?

Climb the Notre Dame - best view ever! Also climb the Arc de Triomphe, Sacre Coeur, and Eiffel Tour. Be sure to visit the St. Michel area, Montemartre, Grand Boulevards, and the Chateau de Vincennes.

Is it good to eat out in Paris? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

My favorite spots are near St. Michel.

Is the nightlife good in Paris? Where is good to go?

Nightlife is great - but expensive. Fun bars and alternative clubs in Oberkampf. Little bars/pubs around St. Michel and Odeon. Best bet: finding small pubs with cheap drinks.

What advice would you give future students heading to Paris?

Get prepaid phone credit. Make sure you understand what it means: does it work in other countries? Can you call home? Also, greet everyone you will interact with during the day with Bonjour - employees in a shop, servers, neighbors, bus drivers. You don't need to smile (they won't smile at you) but it's expected.

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