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Experience in Paris, France by Kenza

Published by flag-fr Kenza Taoussi — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Paris, Paris, France

What is it like to live in Paris? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It's a huge city with numerous things to do. There are activities for every taste. But it's a crowded city without fresh air.


How much does it cost to live in Paris?

It's very expensive to live in Paris. About 500 euros for a 10m² appartment. But you can buy your food in low cost supermarket and all museum are free for students in Paris.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Paris? Is there any advice you can give?

I think it's difficul to find a good place in Paris. The easier thing it's to be there and search for it.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

In Paris food is awesome but a little bit expensive.

What places would you recommend visiting in Paris?

Le Sacré Coeur.


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