Erasmus Experience in Paris, France by Gorkem
What is the student lifestyle like in Paris?
The student life style depends what school you study at?I have no enough information about being student in highschool.But,It is possible that I give some informations on university.First of all,you must opt what you want to study for,like engineering,sociologue,littérature or anything else.After that according to your choose.You have two option.First one,You should study in gouvernement universitys.In this situation,You should stay in university's résidence(dormitory) and accept for scholarship.Other option you should opt a private school,and this would be really expensive in some situations.Some private schools on numerique and informatique and some art schools are really expensive.And It is not easy to have scholarship in private schools.But before you accept for scholarship you need to finish all of your operations by the Ofii of your accomodation.In addition student lifestyle is so hectic but good is in here.There are a lot of oppurtunitys to have scientifique and
artistique informations.I like the libraries and stationeries in Paris.But,I suggest you learn french before coming.It would be easier to adapt Paris with a good french language level( niveau du français ).
What is the food like?
Le croissante and l'éclair are perfect.Croissant is a bit smiler with bread,but I like more its taste.L'éclair depends what éclair you choose such as éclair au chocolat or éclair au vanille.
Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?
In general,yes there are english courses in the universities.But if you are A1 niveau in french.It is a bit harder and longer to complete your information on french.
What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Paris from your city?
There is no the most economical way that I know.But the easiest way going via airplane.
And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Paris?
There is no a special one but I could recommend the kebab restaurants in saint michel.
What good cultural sites are there to visit?
I really recommend to visit musée du louvre and go tour eiffel to you.In addition ther e are a lot of intresting museums like musée d'Orsay,Musée d'évaluation.
Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Paris in the future?
You need to well control your operations in ofii.You need to accept to Caf for aide du logement ,to have a help,after you have sécurité sociale.
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