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Padua, a "molto bella" city

Why did you decide to go to Padua, Italy?

For the similarity of Spanish and Italian culture, the proximity and the ease of learning Italian.


How long does the grant last? How much money do you receive in aid?

Depends on the scholarship you've been granted (from three months to full course). The money you receive changes according to your autonomous community, as you receive money from the EU, the ministry of education, your community, and from savings accounts if you meet their bank requirements.

What is the student atmosphere like in Padua?

It is basically a student town, there's people everywhere who are very pleasant.

Would you recommend the town and the University of Padua to other students?

Yes, without a doubt.

What is the food like in Padua?

Basically pasta, and more if you're a student. But in the supermarkets you'll find the majority of products you see are in Spain, from the cheap supermarkets like Lidl to the ones which are a bit more expensive, like Pam.


How did you find a place to rent?

From an agency that organised my trip for me.

What are the rent prices like? And general living costs?

The rent isn't very expensive (around 250 euros a month for a flat room), but it depends where in the town you live. The prices in general are on par with those in Spain.

What is language learning like? Have you been on any course at the University?

I went on a 2-week course to learn the basics, then through contact with the people of the town you can learn a bit of Italian. There are people who speak privately in their Venetian dialect.

What is the cheapest way of getting to Padua from your town?

When I went, I caught a flight from Barajas to Venice for 90 euros. On the way back, I got a train to Bergamo for 10 euros and a flight with Ryanair to Valladolid for 3 euros. It all depends on when you buy the ticket and what offers there are.


Where would you recommend for partying in Padua?

For everyday drinking, you can go to Bar Fly, in the Tito Livio galleries - it's a very popular meeting point. On Sundays, you can go to the Banale club, but Wednesdays, you meet up in Piazza dell'Erbe for botellón (communal outdoor drinking).

For eating out in Padua, can you cite some of your favourite spots?

My home, McDonald's and the University canteen.

For cultural visits?

On the town hall's webpage, I discovered several tourists routes via bike through the town, the walls, Prato and other sights of interest.


Any advice you'd give to future students in Padua?

Buy a bicycle to get around the town.

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