Experience in Napoli, Italy by cecchetti
What is it like to live in Nápoles? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?
Napoli is a very pleasant city, food is very good, landscape are beautiful, there are a lot of monuments and Napolitans are nice people. You just have to be careful with your bag.
The only one problem is that the city is not really organized so it's a little boring but it's a very nice place
What is the student lifestyle like in Nápoles?
I don't know, I was doing my intership.
How much does it cost to live in Nápoles?
Not so much, you can eat pizza for 1€ at the "Pizza del Presidente". You can buy vegetables in the market or in the "fruiteria".
For technological thing like computer or cell it's the same as in France.
For clothes, you can find shops like H&M, Zara, etc., or other shops a little less expensive.
Is it difficult to find accommodation in Nápoles? Is there any advice you can give?
yes because there is not a lot of announce on the Internet.
The old city is a student corner but "Fuorrigrotta" is also a good place with a lot of shops.
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
Food is so good, there is a lot of specialities. Pizza is the best of Italia, also the mozzarella, ham, olives, ricotta, mortadella, the fritter are so good, lot of different kind of pasta, lot of plate with aubergine olive, etc.
Be careful because they use a lot of olive oil and it's heavy.
What places would you recommend visiting in Nápoles?
Lots of places: Chiostro Santa Chiara, Chiesa del Gesu, Chiesa del Duomo, Capella della Misericordia, Museum of Archaeology, Posilipon Archaeology area, Virgilian park, Capri, Ischia, Procida, Hercolano, Pompei, Sorrento, Positano, Salerno, Vico Equense, Galleria Capodimonte, Amalfi, Napoli Sotto Terra, Chiesa dei Gerolamini, to go in each church which is open because they are all beautiful to visit, San Carlo theatre, Palazzo Reale.
Is it good to eat out in Nápoles? Can you tell us your favourite spots?
Yes, because it's very cheap and very good, fritture and pizza and pasta, gnocchi. And of course "Pizza del presidente".
What advice would you give future students heading to Nápoles?
You don't have to listen to people who say that it's dangerous to live in Napoli, because it's not true, you just have to be careful with your bag and during the night like in each city. The life is very pleasant as the "dolce vita", weather is good, rythm of life calm, there is no stress, people have always the smile. But there is also a lot of problems, it's a city with a lot of contradictions, there is no money to maintain the beautiful heritage, the city is not so clean, lot of people are not educated but it's an amazing place. I advise to visit the more you can, to move, to go to the beach in the sorrentine coast, to take a spritz on a terrace, to eat the most mozzarella you can, to walk a lot, to go on the top of the Vesuvio, to go to Rome which is at one hour! Enjoy!
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Comments (1 comments)
Did you go Sorbillo, for eat Pizza.Here, have a another sun and weather.For this is everythink perfect.