Experiences in Montpellier, France by Stephane
How do you find the city of Montpellier for living there? Do you suggest there? How was the city?
It's the best!
How is the atmosphere of students in Montpellier?
How is the cost of life in Montpellier?
Like in whole France, expensive.
Is it hard to find an accomadation in Montpellier? Do you have a suggestion to give?
Yes, if you are looking for one, start in June or July.
How was the food in the city? What are your favorite plates?
Excellent, "le pastis" is the most typical dish.
Which places do you recommend to see in Montpellier?
And for eating in Montpellier? Can you tell us your favorite places?
Le Bouchon St Roch, the market (Le Marché). Le wok, le Bocal, le Panda Wok, le Vieux Four.
Which places do you suggest for going out in Montpellier?
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