Ribnica castle
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What to see Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Website: http://www.ribnica.si/?page_id=29
The local jewel of Ribnica
The castle is located at the banks of river Bistrica in the town called Ribnica (40km from the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana). There is no entrance fee to enter the castle. However, there is a small fee if you are interested in seeing the museum of Ribnica and the witchcraft history of Ribnica. There is also a wedding chapel inside the castle, so you might see a wedding ceremony if you arrive there on Saturday. The entrance to the balkony is usually closed. There is also a wishing well just next to the entrance along with skeleton in a cage hanging from one of the towers. When walking around the castle you will see the stage where concerts and events are placed occasionally.
The castle remains. Source: https://www.google.si/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwibzN29ufvTAhUJPRoKHXPDCdAQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fkraji.eu%2Fslovenija%2Fribnica_ribniski_grad%2Fslo&psig=AFQjCNEAWgvRfuNDojxqki2b-MIXi5_iyw&ust=1495265215426588
Next to the castle there is a park called Park kulturnikov with sculptures of the heads of famous Slovene people: poets, writers, artists etc. If you leave through the side door and turn right, you will get to the stadium.
Park kulturnikov. Source: http://kraji.eu/PICTURES/jugovzhodna/ribnica_z_okolico/ribnica/park_kulturnikov/DSC_4143_ribnica_park_kulturnikov_big.jpg
How to get there:
The easiest way to reach the castle is to take the bus number 19 from the Central bus station in Ljubljana, direction Kočevje. The buses run frequently, normally every hour. For more information about the departures you can check it on the webpage: https://www.ap-ljubljana.si/en/ You can buy the ticket by the driver. It takes just over an hour to arrive to the station Ribnica, shown in the next picture.
Ribnica bus station. Source: http://kraji.eu/PICTURES/jugovzhodna/ribnica_z_okolico/ribnica/skrabcev_trg/DSC_4201_ribnica_skrapcev_trg_big.jpg
From there you will see the church right next to the station. Turn right (towards the church) and in 20m you are gonna arrive to the river Bistrica. You will already be able to see the castle. Once more turn right and cross the large bridge to enter through the main gates.
Bridge leading to the castle. Source: https://www.google.si/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwiKk62kt_vTAhUC2RoKHRP1BrwQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fkraji.eu%2Fslovenija%2Fribnica%2Fger&psig=AFQjCNEAWgvRfuNDojxqki2b-MIXi5_iyw&ust=1495265215426588&cad=rjt
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