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Where to live in Liège? How to find a kot/room

Published by flag- Laurie Lambert — 4 years ago

3 Tags: flag-be Erasmus experiences Liege, Liege, Belgium

For the future Erasmus students… If you will have the opportunity to make an Erasmus to Liege, I advice rent a room in a kot (this is a Belgian word to say a student building) with 4 o 5 students (to have more fun).


The price is about 230 to 320 euros (for the big and large kot). If there are more people in the building, it has to be cheaper (if you get a room alone, with your own kitchen, it's more expensive). If you come with your boyfriend/girlfriend, the best is to get an apartment or a studio. This is cheaper, sometimes there is only one room. For example, my sister lives with her boyfriend, so they pay 400 together and only 200 each.

I don’t advice to go to the residences because they can be far from the center (if it's next to the “Sart Tilman” for example, it is in the woods). The best is getting a bus to go over there and getting a kot in the center. In the residences, the rooms are smaller and more expensive (350-400 for one month).

There are three area in Liège with faculties: “le XX Août” (letters), HEC (economy) and the “Sart Tilman” (sciences).

The letters faculty and sciences faculty are in the center. So, the best is renting a kot next to it: these area are Boulevard D’Avroy, Jonfosse, Rue Saint Gilles, Cathedral, Avenue Rogier, Rue Louvrex… (look on googlemap). You can also live in Outremeuse, over the river: it’s more pretty and quiet. This is next to the center too.

If you study to the Sart Tilman, you have to buy a bus pass. The best is to live on the Boulevard D’Avroy or perpendicular to it (rue Darchis, rue Du Jardin Botanique, rue Des Augustins, rue Des Guillemins…) because the bus ride on the Boulevard D’Avroy. So this is easy to get a bus. This is also next to the center (15-20 minutes by foot).


Rent a room in a Kot

To rent a room in a kot, the best is trying to firm a contract in June. You can look on internet, but a lot of time the owner want to see to firm the contract (there are always a contract here).

If you stay one year, the best is coming on weekend to Liège (or more time) to get phone numbers and to fix appointments with the owners. The phone number are on the door, there is an orange paper on it when there are kot. A lot of time, the owners make an appointment during the week end. The best is getting two weeks of holidays and take your time to find one. Internet is not the best to find because and in many websites you have to pay to see the owner’s phone number. The best is looking for a kot walking in the streets and like this, you can see how far are the kots from the center.

You can look on the ESN HEC page, they help Erasmus to find a kot.

You can look too in the database and in Kotaliege and… of course… in Google.

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Comments (3 comments)

  • flag- Laurie Lambert 13 years ago

    ---> Question : I didn\'t undestand the difference between the different types of kots (individuel,communautaire,studio,appartement,...) I saw that outremeuse is nice, do you think it is good for atmosphere and parties? also, I will study in sart-tilman and I wonder if it would be complicated from here to get to campus I can\'t wait to start my erasmus in Liège, I\'ve heard and read that it is great place! ---> Answer : kot : individuel means you have your own kitchen, room and sometimes your own bathroom. Studio is the same but with your own bathroom. Appartement too but in general, an appartement is bigger and expensiver than a studio. The difference is : \"kot\" sugger that is for student. Somone working get a appartement, no a kot. Communautaire is a kot, but you share the kitchen and the bathroom. I think is the best for an erasmus and like this you meet people. I live for example with 8 people, I share the kitchen with 4 of them. If you go to the sart tilman and if you want stay in outremeuse, try to be next to a stop bus num. 48 and 58. but I dont think this bus go in outremeuse. so, try to go near the boulevard d avroy, better. And you will not be so far from outremeuse (liege is not that big ;) .

  • flag-es MILAGROS LÓPEZ 12 years ago

    Very usefull

  • flag-be Vandenbussche Alice 12 years ago


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