To travel from Belgium
To travel from Belgium :
The airport
Airport of Liège: but be careful, there isn't a lot of companies and the companies aren't cheap!
With the low cost company (Ryanair, Wizzair, Jetairfly... ):
Airport of Charleroi: (be careful, this airport is called "Brussel-south Charleroi" but this is not the city of Brussel! ). To go to the airport of Charleroi, you can get a train to "Charleroi sud" and a bus from the station to the airport. A ticket costs 3. 60 euros, but if you are traveling more than 2 times, I advice you to buy a card of 5 ways, it costs 5 euros. If you have already a bus card of Liege, you don't have to pay the week-ends (in all Wallonie).
Airport of Brussels: You can get a train until Zaventem, where is the airport.
Airport of Maastricht: one ticket from Liege to Maastricht costs 10 euros and after getting the train, you can get the bus until the airport. A bus ticket costs 4 euros.
The train
To travel in Belgium, you can buy a "GoPass", this is a card to travel, you buy this card 50euros and you can make 10 travels where you want, when you want. If you don't use all the travels, you can sell the card, there isn't your name on it. If you are more than 26 years, you get an other card called "Railpass". It costs 70 euros.
For a weekend: there is a special ticket if you are traveling during the weekend and if you don't want buy a GoPass.
To go out from Belgium (France, Holland, Germany) you get a international trains, a lot of time there are offers.
The website of the tren station is: click here.
Content available in other languages
- Italiano: Per viaggiare dal Belgio
- Español: Viajar desde Bélgica
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Very interesting and usefull!